Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Note-taking in English-medium Lectures

LSU Bulletin , cilt.71, ss.21-31, 1995 (Hakemli Dergi)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

A Proposal for Integrating Virtual Reality Technology in ESP

The International İzmir Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, İzmir, Türkiye, 29 Temmuz 2023, cilt.1, ss.120-123

Promoting Children's Wellbeing through Peace Building Activities

The INTERNATIONAL IZMIR CONGRESS ON HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES., İzmir, Türkiye, 29 Temmuz 2023, cilt.1, ss.114-119

Translanguaging in English Medium Higher Education

7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences (Online), İstanbul, Türkiye, 18 Şubat 2023, cilt.1, ss.232-247

Implementing Problem-Based Learning in a Distance Education Programme

7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities And Social Sciences (Online), İstanbul, Türkiye, 18 Şubat 2023, cilt.1, ss.459-484

Enhancing EFL Learners' Critical Thinking Strategies

X. INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS (10. Uluslararası İstanbul Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi), İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Temmuz 2022, ss.387-391

TheUse of Problem based Learning in Literature Classes

X. INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS (10. Uluslararası İstanbul Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi), İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Haziran 2022, ss.392-398


The 1st International Azerbaijan Academic Research Congress, Azerbaycan, 28 - 29 Mayıs 2022, ss.1-20

Inquiry-Based Language Learning from the Students’ Perspective

The 6th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Adana, Türkiye, 11 Ekim 2021, cilt.1, ss.293-298

Exploring Multiple Intelligences in a Primary-Level English Textbook.

The 6th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Adana, Türkiye, 11 Ekim 2021, cilt.1, ss.299-303

Enhancing Students' Critical Thinking Strategies

The 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Culture (ICLEC 2021), Adana, Türkiye, 21 Mayıs 2021, cilt.1, ss.33-38

Representation of Multiple Intelligences in a Primary English Textbook

the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Culture (ICLEC 2021), Adana, Türkiye, 21 Mayıs 2021, cilt.1, ss.39-42

Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences During Onlıne Education

In Proceedings of Global Conference on Advances in Education and Research (GCAER-2020), Online, Tsuruoka, Japonya, 21 - 22 Kasım 2020, ss.37-42

A Case Study of an ESP Teacher’s Professional Journey

Global Conference on Advances in Education and Research (GCAER-2020), Tsuruoka, Japonya, 21 - 22 Kasım 2020, ss.30-36

Investigating the English For Specific Purposes Needs of Political Science and International Relations Students

4th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF LIMITLESS EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (ISLER 2020), Ankara, Türkiye, 3 - 06 Eylül 2020, ss.270-276

The Application of Problem-based Learning in Literature 18-20 November 2020 Invited speaker

Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi 2nd International Language and Literature Congress, Osmaniye, Türkiye, 18 - 20 Kasım 2020

Integrating values education into the Foreign Language Curriculum. Proceedings of (pp. 1407-1412),

2nd International Elementary Education Congress (UTEK), Muğla, Türkiye, 23 - 27 Ekim 2019, ss.1407-1412

Criticality of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Collaborative Reflections

International Congress of Languages (INCOL -2019) The Power of Languages: Multilingualism Identity, Adana, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Ekim 2019, ss.259-271

The Construction of Identity in Literature Classes: A Conversation Analytic Approach.

Languages (INCOL -2019) The Power of Languages: Multilingualism Identity, Adana, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Ekim 2019, ss.272-284

An Investigation Into Foreign Language Anxiety in English-Medium Higher Education: The Case of a Turkish Private University

nternational Congress of Languages (INCOL -2019) The Power of Languages: Multilingualism Identity, Adana, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Ekim 2019, ss.129-141

Teachers’ use of L1 in Turkish EFL secondary schools.

ULEAD 2019 Annual Congress: X. International Congress on Research in Education (ICRE), Alanya, Türkiye, 20 - 22 Nisan 2019, ss.7-13

Why is it Challenging to Write Critical Reflections for EFL Teacher Trainees?

ULEAD 2019 Annual Congress: X. International Congress on Research in Education (ICRE), Alanya, Türkiye, 20 - 22 Nisan 2019, ss.37-42

Exploring Teacher Beliefs in Teaching English to Young Learners

International Congress of the Turkey Vision (ICTV – 2019), Adana, Türkiye, 18 - 20 Mart 2019, ss.53-59

The Challenge of Being an International Student in Study Abroad Programs

International Congress of the Turkey Vision (ICTV – 2019), Adana, Türkiye, 18 - 20 Mart 2019, ss.46-52

Teaching English to Young Learners: An Observation and Evaluation of Effective Teaching Strategies.

The 1st International Conference on Language, Education and Culture (ICLEC), Kyrenia, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 2 - 06 Eylül 2018, cilt.1, ss.48-53

Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceived Competence in Using Information and Communication Technology, (CEAD)

The 4th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Ekim 2018, ss.432-436

Action Research to Promote Teachers’ Professional Development

The 4th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, (CEAD), Muğla, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Ekim 2018, ss.96-103

Implementing Collaborative action research to promote teachers’ professional development.

VIII. International Congress on Research in Education (ICRE), Manisa, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Mayıs 2018, ss.827-830

Exploring the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Pre-Service Teacher Education

VIII. International Congress on Research in Education (ICRE), Manisa, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Mayıs 2018, ss.827-830

Examination Of Burnout Syndrome Among English Language Teachers

V. ULUSLARARASI EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU, İstanbul, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Ekim 2018, ss.59


4th International Contemporary Educational Research Congres, (CEAD), Muğla, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Ekim 2018, ss.454-458


1 st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, EDUCATION AND CULTURE (ICLEC), Girne, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 2 - 06 Eylül 2018, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.53-58

Pre-Service English Teachers’ Retrospective Reflections on Their Observations in Practicum Schools


School-University Collaboration: An Innovative In-service Teacher Development Program

The Future of Education Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 12 Kasım 2017

Problem-Based Learning for the 21st Century in Teacher Education Programs

The 2nd International Conference on Best Practices and Innovation in Education (INOVED), İzmir, Türkiye, 19 - 21 Ekim 2017

The Portrayal of Culture in English Textbooks

1st International Congress on Social Sciences (USOS, 2017), Malaga, İspanya, 18 - 02 Eylül 2017

Transforming challenges into opportunities through explaratory practice

Teachers Research!’ Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2 - 03 Haziran 2017

Globalization and the Teaching of Foreign Languages to Young Learners: Macro and Micro Perspectives

SBATEYL The International Conference on Teaching Languages to Young Learners, İzmir, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Mayıs 2017

Problem based learning in teacher education

International contemporary education research congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 29 - 02 Ekim 2016

Öğretmen ve öğretmen yetiştiren öğretim elemanı yeterlikleri

Öğretmen Yetiştirmede Değişim ve Dönüşümler, İstanbul, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Ekim 2016

Enhancing Young Learner Memory Impact of an Association Technique

Teachers Research! İstanbul 2016' Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye, 24 - 25 Haziran 2016

Promoting CEFR awareness in foreign language teacher education

9th International ELT Research Conference: Interdiscıplinary Approaches: Beyond The Borders of ELT Methodology, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 12 - 14 Mayıs 2016

Exploring Foreign Language Subject Leaders Beliefs about Effective Leadership

The 1st International Teachers in Collaboration Conference (TIC 2016), Osmaniye, Türkiye, 29 - 30 Nisan 2016

Enhancing Teaching with Collaborative Action Research

International Conference’ Child Foreign Language Learning (CFLL). Between theory and Practice, 28 - 30 Nisan 2016

Establishing National Standards for Teacher Education in Turkey

3rd National conference on Foreign Language Education, İstanbul, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Aralık 2014

Investigating Teachers Perceptions and Practices of Language Assessment in Primary Education

Sixth international conference: Classroom-oriented research: Towards effective learning and teaching, Konin, Polonya, 12 - 14 Ekim 2015

Corrective Feedback in Foreign Language Education in Turkey Ankara Türkiye 13 15 Mayıs 2015

ICEFIC 2015: The International Congress on Education for the Future: Issues and Challenges, Ankara, Türkiye, 13 - 15 Mayıs 2015

Exploring a Turkish Nonnative English Speaking Scholar s Publication Experiences 2015 Dokuz Eylül University

English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference, İzmir, Türkiye, 3 - 04 Aralık 2015

A Case Study of a Turkish Nonnative English Speaking Scholar s Publication Experiences

PRISEAL 3 Researching, Teaching and Supporting Research Communication: Perspectives and Prospects, Coimbra, Portekiz, 30 Ekim - 01 Kasım 2015

The Challenge of Scholarly Publication Cross disciplinary data from Turkey

PRISEAL 3 Researching, Teaching and Supporting Research Communication: Perspectives and Prospects, Coimbra, Portekiz, 30 Ekim - 01 Kasım 2015

Globalization and the Use of Poems to Foster Creative Writing

1st CELLTTS (First International Conference on English Language, Literature, Teaching and Translation Studies). University Of Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy Department of English Language and Literature, Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek, 18 - 19 Eylül 2015

The Journey of English Language Education in Turkish Schools Korkut Ata University

English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Osmaniye, Türkiye, 05 Mart 2015

Professional Development for Pre Service English Language Teachers Through Collaborative Action Research

Looking Back and Forward: Bridging Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education Programs in English Language Teaching, Ankara, Türkiye, 2 - 03 Şubat 2015

Initiating and managing the process of curriculum innovation

IATEFL 47th Annual Conference, Liverpool, Birleşik Krallık, 8 - 12 Nisan 2013

Three leaders leadership perceptions Implications for leadership and management in ELT


Enhancing Freshman Students Academic Literacy in Responding to Examination Questions

Refresh: The changing role of Freshmen English, İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 19 Eylül 2014, ss.17-19 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Türkiye'de Yabancı Dil Eğitim Politikaları ve Müfredat Programı

3. Ulusal Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Kurultayı, İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 - 24 Ekim 2014, ss.45-59 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Designing an ELT Curriculum for Young Turkish Learners Pedagogical Foundations Practical Considerations and Procedures

EJERCongress 2014’ 1st Eurasian Educational Research Congress I. Avrasya Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 22 - 26 Nisan 2014

Exploring poems to promote language learners' creative writing

14th Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Selcuk, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Ekim 2014, cilt.158, ss.394-401 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Dimitrie Cantemir University International Workshop

Strategies For Optimizing The Quality Standard in Higher Education ESP, Romanya, 8 - 09 Mayıs 2009, ss.227-236

Promoting students' note-taking skills through task-based learning

2nd World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2010), İstanbul, Türkiye, 4 - 08 Şubat 2010, cilt.2, ss.4346-4351 identifier identifier

An analysis of written errors of Turkish adult learners of English

2nd World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2010), İstanbul, Türkiye, 4 - 08 Şubat 2010, cilt.2, ss.4352-4358 identifier identifier

Removal of lead from aqueous solutions using Saudi activated bentonite

10th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution, Bucharest, Romanya, 9 - 11 Haziran 2010, cilt.135, ss.277-288 Creative Commons License identifier identifier

Catering for multiple intelligences in locally-published ELT textbooks in Turkey

3rd International Conference on Telling ELT Tales out of School, Famagusta, CYPRUS, 5 - 07 Mayıs 2010, cilt.3, ss.127-130 identifier identifier

The challenge of developing and maintaining curriculum innovation at higher education

World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, CYPRUS, 4 - 07 Şubat 2009, cilt.1, ss.73-78 identifier identifier

Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English at Turkish primary education

World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, CYPRUS, 4 - 07 Şubat 2009, cilt.1, ss.79-83 identifier identifier
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Exploring the Potential of an Andragogical Approach to Teaching Leadership

Handbook of Research on Andragogical Leadership and Technology in a Modern World Part of the Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology , Wiktor Wang, Editör, IGI Publications., ss.119-138, 2023

English-Medium Instruction

Language Education Programs , Tajeddin, Z., & Griffiths, C., Editör, Springer, Cham, ss.173-197, 2023

ESP Programmes: Educating Teachers to Address Learner Needs

Language Education Programs, Tajeddin, Z., & Griffiths, C., Editör, Springer, Cham, ss.143-156, 2023

Review and Final Thoughts: The Future of English-Medium Instruction in Turkey

ISBN 978-3-030-88596-0 ISBN 978-3-030-88597-7 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88597-, Yasemin Kırkgöz, Ali Karakaş, Editör, Springer, Cham, ss.301-308, 2022

Preparing Future Primary Education English Teachers in Turkey Innovation in Teacher Education

English for Young Learners in Asia Challenges and Directions for Teacher Education, Zein, Subhan & Butler,Yuko Goto, Editör, Routledge, London, ss.32-47, 2022

ESP Materials Development

Coursebook Evaluation in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education , Çelik, Handan,Çelik, Servet, Editör, Vizetek Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.3-8, 2022

Writing EAP Materials

The Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching, Norton, Julie and Buchanan, Heather, Editör, Routledge, London, ss.321-333, 2022

Classroom Discourse in EMI Courses in Turkey: On The Dynamics of Translanguaging Practices. New Connections in EMI Turkey.

New Connections in EMI Turkey. Research Partnership Fund 2020, British Council, Editör, British Council, Ankara, ss.64-156, 2021

English Learning Experience in a Textile Company in Turkey,

Linguistic Landscapes Beyond the Language Classroom, Niedt, G., Seals, Corinne A., Editör, Bloomsbury Academic, London, ss.117-132, 2021

Development of an Enhanced Study Abroad Curriculum in Teacher Education

Academic Mobility Programs and Engagement: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Velliaris, D. M., Editör, IGI Global, New York, ss.198-224, 2020

Language Varıetıes and ELT

World Englishes and Culture IN English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education, Çelik, S., Solak, E., Editör, Vize Yayıncılık ELT, Ankara, ss.15-30, 2020

Türkiye’de İngilizce eğitiminin geleceği ve projenin yansımaları.

Araştırmacı Öğretmen: Daha İyiye Yolculuk içinde, Kırkgöz, Y., Yaşar, M., Editör, Akademisyen Kitabevi. www.akademisyen.com, Ankara, ss.143-169, 2020

Equipping EAP Students with Problem Solving Skills.

The Future of Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Standards, Provision, and Practices, Akşit, T., and Mengü, H. I., Editör, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, ss.32-37, 2020


Araştırmacı Öğretmen: Daha İyiye Yolculuk içinde, Kırkgöz, Y., Yaşar, M., Editör, Akademisyen Kitabevi., Ankara, ss.1-16, 2020

Ideology and culture in EFL textbooks in the era of globalization in Turkey

Worldwide English Language Education Today: Ideologies, Policies and Practices, Al-Issa, A., Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, S., Editör, Routledge, New York, ss.102-116, 2020

Türkiye’de geçmişten günümüze İngilizce’nin tarihsel yolculuğu

Araştırmacı Öğretmen: Daha İyiye Yolculuk içinde, Yaşar, M., Kırkgöz, Y., Editör, Akademisyen Kitabevi. www.akademisyen.com, Ankara, ss.17-42, 2020


Araştırmacı öğretmen: Daha iyiye yolculuk, Kırkgöz, Yasemin Yaşar, Mustafa, Editör, Akademisyen, Ankara, ss.1-16, 2020

Globalization and the Teaching of Foreign Languages to Young Learners: Macro and Micro Perspectives

Political, Pedagogical and Research Insights into Early Language Education (pp. 19-25). December 1, 2020, Uysal, Hacer Hande, Editör, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, ss.19-25, 2020

Exploring the potential of Problem-based Learning in Literature

Interdisciplinary language and literature studies, Kırmızı, B., Alhrdan, A., Yapıcı, B., Ekinci, M., Editör, Aybil yayınları, Konya, ss.345-352, 2020

Investigating the Growth of English-medium Higher Education in Turkey and the Middle East Region

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Foreign Language Education, "Staub,D.. F.", Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Cham, ss.9-19, 2019

ESP in teacher education: a case study

ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices, "Papadima-Sophocleous, S.,Kakoulli Constantinou, E. & Giannikas, C. N." , Editör, Research Publishing, Güney Kıbrıs, ss.13-26, 2019

Mentoring Young Learner English Teachers Working on Collaborative Action Research: Implications for Professional Development Programs

Early Language Learning and Teacher Education International Research and Practice, "Zein, M. S., & Garton, S."., Editör, Multilingual Matters & Channel View Publications , Bristol, ss.140-156, 2019

Preservice EFL Teachers? Perceptions and their Reflected Experiences in a Service Learning Course.

Service-Learning to Advance Access & Success: Bridging Institutional and Success Bridging Institutional and Community Capacity, "York, Travis T., Tinkler, Alan S., &. Tinkler, Barri E"., Editör, Information Access Company (IAC) see Gale Group, Charlotte, Nc, ss.309-334, 2019

Mentoring Young Learner English Teachers Working on Collaborative Action Research: Implications for Professional Development Programs.

Early Language Learning and Teacher Education International Research and Practice, Zein, M. S., Garton, S., Editör, Multilingual Matters, ss.140-156, 2019

ESP in teacher education: a case study

ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices, S. Papadima-Sophocleous, E., Editör, Research-publishing.net, Voillans, ss.13-26, 2019

EFL Programs, Currıcula, Textbooks and Instructıonal Materıals

Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: Contemporary Issues in EFL Education, Çelik, S., Editör, Vize yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.43-54, 2019

Fostering Young Learners Listening and Speaking Skills.

The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners, S. Garton and F. Copland, Editör, Routledge, New York, ss.171-181, 2019

Preservice EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and their Reflected Experiences in a Service Learning Course.

Service-Learning to Advance Access Success: Bridging Institutional and Success Bridging Institutional and Community Capacity, York, Travis T., Tinkler, Alan S., . Tinkler, Barri E., Editör, Information Age Publishing (IAP) Company, Charlottetown, ss.309-334, 2019

Investigating the Growth of English-medium Higher education in Turkey and the Middle East

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Foreign Language Education: Global Issues, Models, and Best Practices from the Middle East and Turkey, Staub, D. F., Editör, Springer, ss.9-20, 2019

Fostering Young Learners Listening and Speaking Skills

The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners, "Garton, S. and Copland, F." , Editör, Routledge, London/New York , New York, ss.171-187, 2018

Problem-based Learning in a Teacher Education Program: A Study of Learning Outcomes

Updating Perspectives on English Language Teaching and Teacher Education, "Genç, S. Z., Editör, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., Bern, ss.79-92, 2018

Recent developments in ESP/EAP/EMI contexts in the world

Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes, Kırkgöz, Y., Dikilitaş, K., Editör, Springer, Cham Print, ss.1-10, 2018

Recent Developments in ESP/EAP/EMI Contexts in the world

Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education., Kırkgöz, Yasemin Dikilitaş Kenan, Editör, Springer, Cham, ss.1-10, 2018

Problem-based learning in a teacher education program: A study of learning outcomes.

Updating Perspectives on English Language Teaching and Teacher Education, Genç, Zübeyde, Editör, Peter Lang, Berlin, ss.79-92, 2018

Introducing Innovation into an ESP Program: Aviation English for Cadets

Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education, Kırkgöz, Y., Dikilitaş, K., Editör, Springer Publisher, Cham, ss.179-199, 2018

Fostering CEFR-Awareness of Prospective Language Teachers

Researching ELT: Classroom Methodology and Beyond, Köksal D. , Editör, Peter Lang Gmbh Internationaler Verlag Der Verlag Der Österreichischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt A.M., ss.185-192, 2017

Development and Assessment of a Foreign Language Curriculum for Primary Education in Turkey.

Handbook of Research on Program Development and Assessment Methodologies in K-20 Education, " Wang, V. C. X". , Editör, Igı Global Publications, Herskey, ss.321-337, 2017

Insights into the Process of Mentoring Action Research by Teachers of Young Learners.

Developing Insights into Teacher-Research, Burns, A., Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., & Wyatt, M. , Editör, Iatefl, Kent, ss.19-28, 2017 Creative Commons License

English education policy in Turkey

English language education policy in the middle East and Africa, Robert Kirkpatrick, Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Cham, ss.235-256, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Adapting the Six Thinking Hats Principle to Overcoming Classroom Management Issues of Young EFL Learners.

Voices from the Classroom: Young Learner Classes, Garton, S., Copland, F. , Editör, Tesol Press, Alexandria, Va, ss.25-32, 2017 Creative Commons License

Exploring the impact of the fulbright foreign language teaching assistant program on grantees' educational and cultural beliefs and practices

Educational exchanges and intercultural understanding, Julie Mathews-Aydinli, Editör, Palgrave Palgrave Macmillan, London, Cham, ss.131-156, 2017

Working the Problem: Finding Solutions to Student Dissatisfaction in EAP for Engineering.

TESOL VOICES: INSIDER ACCOUNTS OF CLASSROOM LIFE?HIGHER EDUCATION, Tim Stewart, Editör, Tesol International Publishers, Wirginia, ss.15-22, 2017 Creative Commons License Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Working the Problem: Finding Solutions to Student Dissatisfaction in EAP for Engineering.

TESOL Voices: Insider Accounts of Classroom Life Higher Education, Stewart, T., Editör, TESOL Press., Alexandria, ss.17-26, 2017

English Teachers’ Uses of First Language in Turkey.

Insider Accounts of Classroom Life Secondary Education, Dantas-Whıtney, M., Rilling, S., Editör, TESOL Press., Alexandria, ss.101-106, 2017

English Language Education Reforms and their Effects on ELT in Turkish Primary Schools

English Language Education Policies and Practices in the Mediterannean Countries and Beyond, Bayyurt, Y., Sifakis, N. C., Editör, Peter Lang., Frankfurt, ss.25-38, 2017

Development and Assessment of a Foreign Language Curriculum for Primary Education in Turkey

Handbook of Research on Program Development and Assessment Methodologies in K-20 Education, Wang, V. C., Editör, IGI Global’s Publication, Hershey PA:, ss.321-337, 2017

Fostering CERF Awareness of Prospective Language Teachers.

Researching ELT: Classroom Methodology and Beyond, Köksal, D., Editör, Peter Lang, ss.185-196, 2017

Exploring the Impact of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program on Grantees’ Educational and Cultural Beliefs and Practices

International Education Exchanges and Intercultural Understanding Promoting Peace and Global Relations, Mathews-Aydinli, Julie, Editör, Palgrave Macmillan, ss.131-155, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Insights into the Process of Mentoring Action Research by Teachers of Young Learners

Developing Insights into Teacher-Research, Burns, A., Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., Wyatt, M., Editör, IATEFL, ss.19-28, 2017

Issues in Teacher Education in ELT

Researching ELT: Classroom Methodology and Beyond, Köksal, Dinçay, Editör, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, ss.207-218, 2017

English Education Policy in Turkey

Education Policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Kirkpatrick, R., Editör, Springer, ss.151-175, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Culture in ELT

Current Trends in ELT, Yaman, İ., Ekmekçi, E., Şenel, M., Editör, Nuans Publishing, Ankara, ss.336-346, 2016

Improving Teaching Practices through a University-School Collaboration in Young Learner Classrooms

Teachers Engaging in Research, Dikilitaş, K., Wyatt, M., Hanks, J., & Bullock, D. , Editör, Iatefl, Kent, ss.89-99, 2016 Creative Commons License

Integrating Study Abroad Curriculum in Teacher Education

Advancing Teacher Education and Curriculum Development through Study Abroad Programs, Rhodes, J. A., Milby, T.M.DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0169-5, Editör, Igı Global Publications, Hershey Pa, ss.177-198, 2016 Creative Commons License

The Challenge of Implementing Collaborative Action Research as an In-service Teacher Development Program.

Teachers Engaging in Research, Dikilitaş, K., Wyatt, M., Hanks, J., & Bullock, D., Editör, Iatefl, Kent, ss.49-58, 2016

Impact of a Professional Development Programme on Trainee Teachers? Beliefs and Teaching Practices

Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education, "Dikilitaş, K"., Editör, Igı Global Publications, Hershey Pa, ss.176-194, 2016 Creative Commons License

The challenge of implementing collaborative action research as an in-service teacher development program

Teachers Engaging in Research, Kenan Dikilitaş, Mark Wyatt, Judith Hanks and Deborah Bullock , Editör, IATEFL, Kent, ss.49-58, 2016

Impact of a Professional Development Programme on Trainee Teachers' Beliefs and Teaching Practices

Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education, Dikilitaş, K. , Editör, IGI Global, Virginia, ss.176-194, 2016

Culture in ELT

Current Trends in ELT, Yaman, İ., Ekmekçi, E., Şenel, M. , Editör, Nuans Publishing, Ankara, ss.336-346, 2016

Integrating Study Abroad Curriculum in Teacher Education

Advancing Teacher Education and Curriculum Development through Study Abroad Programs, Rhodes, J. A., Milby, T.M.I. , Editör, IGI Global, Virginia, ss.177-197, 2016

The challenge of implementing collaborative action research as an in-service teacher development program

Teachers Engaging in Research, Kenan Dikilitaş, Mark Wyatt, Judith Hanks and Deborah Bullock, Editör, IATEFL, KENT, ss.49-58, 2016

Improving teaching practices through a university-school collaboration in young learner classrooms

Teachers Engaging in Research, Kenan Dikilitaş, Mark Wyatt, Judith Hanks and Deborah Bullock,, Editör, IATEFL, Kent, ss.89-99, 2016

Türkiyede Yabancı Dil Eğitim Politikaları ve Müfredat Programı

Türkiyedeki Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Üzerine Görüş ve Düşünceler. Ulusal Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Kurultayı, Bayyurt, Y., Akcan, S. , Editör, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Matbaası, İstanbul, ss.45-59, 2016

A collaborative action research teacher development programme

Teacher Researchers in Action, Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., Trotman, W., Editör, Iatefl, Kent, ss.387-398, 2015

Görev Temelli Yöntem (Task-Based Method)

Dil Öğretimi, N. Bekleyen , Editör, Pegem Akademi, Ankara, ss.232-245, 2015

A collaborative action research teacher development programme

Teacher Researchers in Action, Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., Trotman, W. , Editör, IATEFL, London, ss.387-398, 2015

Task Based Language Teaching

Approaches and Principles in English as a Foreign Language EFL Education, Çelik, S., Editör, Eğiten, Ankara, ss.227-240, 2014

Task-Based Language Teaching

Approaches and Principles in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education, Çelik, S., Editör, Eğiten Kitap, Ankara, ss.241-256, 2013

The Design and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an EAP Writing Course in Higher Education: Collaboration Between a Language Expert and Subject Specialists in a Blended Learning Study?,

Higher Education Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook,, Smith, L. R., Editör, Nova Science Science Publishers, New York, ss.227-245, 2013 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

The Use and Uptake of Information and Communication Technology: A Turkish Case of an Initial Teacher Education Department?

Cases on Communication Technology for Second Language Acquisition and Cultural Learning., Aitken, J. E., Editör, Igı Global Publications, New York, ss.140-171, 2013

The Use and Uptake of Information and Communication Technology: A Turkish Case of an Initial Teacher Education Department

Cases on Communication Technology for Second Language Acquisition and Cultural Learning, Aitken, J. E.., Editör, IGI Global, New York, ss.140-171, 2013

The Design and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an EAP Writing Course in Higher Education: Collaboration Between a Language Expert and Subject Specialists in a Blended Learning Study

Higher Education Recent Trends Emerging Issues and Future Outlook, Smith, L. R., Editör, Nova Science Publishers, ss.227-245, 2013


Teaching English to Young Learners An Activity Based Guide for Prospective Teachers, Gürsoy, E., & Arıkan, A., Editör, Eğiten, Ankara, ss.21-32, 2012

Exploring Teachers’ Implementation of the Recent Curriculum Innovation in ELT in Turkish Primary Education

Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia, Muller, T., Herder, S., Adamson, J., & Brown, P.S., Editör, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, ss.181-195, 2011

Evaluating Curriculum Reform in Turkish Secondary Education

Handbook of Curriculum Development, Kattington, L. E., Editör, Nova Science Publishers, New York, ss.453-461, 2010

Teaching English at Primary Education: From Policy Planning to Practice

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Analyzing the Discourse of E-Mail Communication

Handbook of Research on Discourse Behavior and Digital Communication Language Structures and Social Interaction, Taiwo, R., Editör, IGI Global, Hershey PA, ss.335-348, 2010

English Language Teaching in Turkish Primary Education

Young Learner English Language Policy and Implementation International Perspectives, J. Enever, J. Moon & U. Raman, Editör, Garnet Publishing Ltd., Reading, ss.189-195, 2009

Teaching EFL at the Primary Level in Turkey

Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Primary School, Lou McCloskey, M., Orr, J., and Dolitsky, M., Editör, Tesol Publications,, Alexandria, ss.85-99, 2006

Revitalizing an Established Program

Innovation as a Curriculum Renewal Process in a Turkish University, Rice, A., Editör, Tesol Publications, Alexandria, Va., ss.135-160, 2006

Developing a Corpus-based Academic Reading Course

Developing a New Course for Adult Learners, Snow, M. A. & Kamhi-Stein, L. D., Editör, TESOL Publications, Alexandria, Virginia, ss.143-165, 2006

Developing a Corpus-based Academic Reading Course

Developing a New Course for Adult Learners, Snow, M.A., and Kamhi-Stein, L.D., Editör, Tesol Publications, Alexandria, ss.143-165, 2006

English Language Teaching in Turkey: Challenges Towards the 21st Century

Teaching English to the World History, Curriculum and Practice, Braine, G. , Editör, Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, ss.159-169, 2005

English Language Teaching in Turkey: Challenges Towards the 21st Century

Teaching English to the World History Curriculum and Practice, Braine, G., Editör, Lawrence Erlbaum, London, ss.159-169, 2005



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