Publications & Works

Articles Published in Other Journals

Acquiring a Pro-drop Language

DİL DERGİSİ , pp.54-59, 2000 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Phraseological Patterns in Learner Academic English: Insights from Corpus-Driven Approaches

PHRAME: Phraseological complexity measures in learner Italian, Perugia, Italy, 27 - 28 November 2023

Autonomous Language Learning: Teaching Turkish

Creativity And Innovation In Promoting Multilingualism And Intercultural Dialogue, Editura ARS LONGA, Romania, pp.5

A Corpus Literacy Course Evaluation: Strengths and Weaknesses Highlighted by ELT Students

CL2019 - The 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 23 - 27 July 2019, pp.1 Creative Commons License Sustainable Development

Promoting Intercultural Awareness in Foreign Language Classrooms

International Seminar "Childhood Education and the Challenges for the 21st Century", Ponte De Sor, Portugal, 12 July 2018, pp.22-23

Understanding Foreign Language Classroom Contexts in the 21st Century and Promoting Intercultural Awareness

International Seminar on ”Childhood Education and the Challenges for the 21st Century”, Ponte de Sor, Portugal, 12 - 13 July 2018

Stance-taking through Metadiscourse in Doctoral Dissertations.

1st RESS Congress. International Educational and Social Sciences, 3 - 05 November 2017

Computer Aided Error Analysis of Use of Present Simple Tense by Turkish EFL Learners

ICONFLE 2017 - International Conference on Foreign Language and Education, Famagusta, Cyprus (Kktc), 21 - 22 October 2017, pp.26

A Learner Corpus Based -Study on Verb Errors of Turkish EFL Learners

ICONFLE 2017 - International Conference on Foreign Language and Education,, Famagusta, Cyprus (Kktc), 21 - 22 October 2017, pp.23

Introducing a Corpus-Literacy Course in ELT Teacher Education Program: A Course Proposal

International Conference on Foreign Language Education, Famagusta, Cyprus (Kktc), 20 - 21 October 2017, pp.34 Sustainable Development

A Learner Corpus-Based Study on Verb Errors

First International Conference on Language Focus (LTTL2017), Urmia, Iran, 5 - 06 October 2017, pp.8

Training our Students as Language Detectives

International Conference on Language Focus (LTTL2017), Urmia, Iran, 5 - 06 October 2017, pp.4

Yabancı Dil Olarak Öngilizce Öğretiminde Derlem Kullanımı ve Hata Çözümlemesindeki Yeri

Türkiye'deYabanci Dil Olarak İngilizce Öğretimi Sempozyumu., Gaziantep, Turkey, 04 April 2017, pp.1

Computer-Driven Error Analysis of Learners of English as a Foreign Language

6. International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education, Bangkok, Thailand, 18 - 19 February 2017, pp.1

The impact of explicit instruction and metalinguistic awareness on cross-linguistic interference: path-framing in motion events

ICTL2017 - The 18th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Adana, Turkey, 24 - 26 February 2017

Agreement Errors in Learner Corpora across CEFR

IATEFL ESP SIG International Conference 2016, Atina, Greece, 1 - 02 October 2016, pp.11

From Corpus to Classroom

5. International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education, Londra, United Kingdom, 28 May 2016, pp.1

Learner Corpora and Data-driven Teaching.

Yeditepe University Graduate Seminars, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 February 2016, pp.1

L1 Acquisition of the Production of Mental State Verbs in English

3. International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education, Singapur, Singapore, 20 - 21 February 2016, pp.24

A study on Pre-service English Teachers’xx Intercultural Competence Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Roma, Italy, 3 - 04 December 2015

A study on Pre-service English Teachers? Intercultural Competence.

14th Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Roma, Italy, 3 - 04 December 2015, pp.2

To teach or not to teach: towards effective learning and teaching

Classroom Oriented Research: Towards Effective Learning and Teaching, Konin, Poland, 12 - 14 October 2015, pp.3

Non-extrapositions versus it-extrapositions in written and spoken learner English corpora

Speaking in a Foreign Language: Enhancing the quality of classroom interaction, Konin, Poland, 11 - 13 May 2015, pp.6

Explicit and Implicit Types of Corrective Feedback in Turkish Primary Education

2nd Global Conference on Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11 December 2014, pp.80

Project Bazaar: Teaching and learning languages at the market place.

13th Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Roma, Italy, 4 - 05 December 2014, pp.4

A learner corpus investigation on the use of negative and positive vocabulary by EFL learners

PALC 2014 - Practical Applications of Language Corpora, Lodz, Poland, 20 - 22 November 2014, pp.8

Light Verb Constructions in TICLE and PICLE: How should weaccelerate their lexical priming in EFL Context?

PALC2014: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Language Corpora, Lodz, Poland, 20 - 22 October 2014, pp.83-84

Intercultural competence and language teacher education

International Association of Social Science Research 5. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 11 - 14 September 2014, pp.7

Trainee teachers competences in fostering context-sensitive language classrooms.

Matters of the mind: Pyschology and language learning Conference, Graz, Austria, 29 - 31 May 2014, pp.29

Light verb constructions in Turkish international corpus

International Conference on Teaching Formulaic Language, New York, United States Of America, 09 April 2014, pp.3

Social competences of Polish and Turkish ELT students.

International Conference on Classroom-oriented Research: reconciling theory and research, Konin, Poland, 14 October 2013, pp.4

The Challenges of Academic Language ? A Qualitative evaluation of Linguistic Features Studied in the Texts of University Students.

25. International Conference on Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning., Szczyrk, Poland, 23 - 25 May 2013, pp.8

Teachers' views on Web 2.0 in education: An evaluation of a large-scale European pilot

2011 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, NWeSP 2011, Salamanca, Spain, 19 - 21 October 2011, pp.517-522 identifier

To alternate or not to alternate? : L2 acquisition of English causative / inchoative transitivity alternations.

International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Szeged, Hungary, 20 - 22 August 2010, vol.49, pp.161-172

Web 2.0 Tools to cater for EFL learners? affective differences

1st International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acuqisition, Szczyrk, Poland, 28 - 30 May 2009, pp.24

Using WEB 2.0 Tools to cater for EFL Learners? Affective Differences.

21st International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition, Szczyrk, Poland, 21 - 23 May 2009, pp.5

TICLE: Uluslararası Türk Ögrenici İngilizcesi Derlemi

XXII. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Van, Turkey, 8 - 09 May 2008, pp.1-11

TICLE: Uluslararası Türk Öğrenici İngilizcesi Derlemi

22nd Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Van, Turkey, 8 - 09 May 2008, pp.1-11 Creative Commons License

Çoklu Ne-sorularının edinimi: Kim niçin geldi

XV. Dilblim Kurultayı, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 25 May 2001, pp.63-69

Head parameter setting in the acquisition of Turkish as a first language

9th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Oxford, United Kingdom, 12 - 14 August 1998, vol.46, pp.275-282 identifier

İkinci dil edinen yetişkilerde değiştirgen ayarlaması

XIII. Dibilim Kurultayı, İstanbul, Turkey, 13 - 15 May 1999, pp.179-188

4-6 Yaş Grubu Çocukların Sözcük İçerisinde Ses Ayrımı Yapabilme Yetileri

X. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, İzmir, Turkey, 22 May 1996, pp.215-221
Books & Book Chapters

A Learner Corpus-Based Study on the Use of English Prepositional Verbs of Turkish EFL Learners

in: Language in Focus: Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, Can C., Patsala P., Tatsioka Z., Editor, Lychnos-Printhouse, Athens, pp.51-78, 2019

A Learner Corpus-Based Study on the Use of English Prepositional Verbs by Turkish EFL Learners

in: Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, Cem Can; Paschalia Patsala; Zoi Tatsioka, Editor, Lychnos-Printhouse, Tallinn, pp.51-77, 2019

A Learner Corpus-Based Study on the Use of English Prepositional Verbs of Turkish EFL Learners

in: Language in Focus: Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics, Can Cem, Patsala Paschalia, Tatsioka Zoi, Editor, Lychnos-Printhouse, Athens, pp.51-78, 2019

Adverbial Connectors in Turkish EFL Learners'? Argumentative Essays

in: Academic Studies in Educational Sciences, Yazıcı T., Hayırlı, O., Editor, Gece Kitaplıgı, Ankara, pp.17-31, 2018


in: Academic Studies in Educational Sciences, Doç. Dr. Tarkan YAZICI, Dr.Onur HAYIRLI, Editor, Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, pp.17-31, 2018

An Insight into CLIL Motivation: A Questionnaire Study in Austria, Poland, Turkey and the Netherlands

in: Modernizing Educational Practice Perspectives in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Papaja K., Swiatek A., Editor, Cambridge International Scholars Publications, Newcastle Upon Tyne,, pp.199-220, 2016 Creative Commons License

To Exist or Not Exist: the Existential There in PICLE and TICLE

in: Language in Focus Exploring the challenges and opportunities in Linguistics and English Language Teaching ELT, Katarzyna Papaja, Cem Can, Editor, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, pp.34-46, 2016

An Insight into CLIL Motivation: A Questionnaire Study in Austria, Poland, Turkey and the Netherlands

in: Modernizing Educational PracticePerspectives in Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL, Papaja K., Swiatek A., Editor, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, pp.199-220, 2016

Intercultural Competence and Language Teacher education

in: Contemporary Studies in Humanities, Sorin Mihai Stanciu, Mehmet Ali İçbay, Hasan Arslan, Editor, Ehrmann Verlag, Mannheim, pp.203-214, 2015

Intercultural Competence and Language TeacherEducation

in: Contemporary Studies in Humanities, İçbay M. A., Arslan H.,Stanciu S. M., Editor, Ehrmann Verlag, Mannheim, pp.203-214, 2015

The Acquisition of English Dative Alternation by Turkish Adult Learners of English

in: Pragmantax II. The present state of linguistics and its branch disciplines, Belentschikow, R., Ebeling, K., Editor, Peter Peter Lang Publishing, Frankfurt, pp.469-486, 2014

The Acquisition of English Dative Alternation by Turkish Adult Learners of English

in: Pragmantax II. The present state of linguistics and its branch disciplines., "Schöpe, K." "Belentschikow, R." "Ebeling, K.", Editor, Peter Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., Frankfurt, pp.469-486, 2014

Conjunctive Adverbs in Learner English: A Usage-based Approach.

in: The Dialogue of Language, the Dialogue of Culture, Lyda A., Baker D.G., Blaszak M., Wasza T. , Editor, University Of Silesia, Zabrze, pp.92-105, 2011

Second Language Acquisition of Any-type NPIs by Turkish Adult Learners

in: The Dialogue of Language, the Dialogue of Culture, Lyda A., Baker D.G., Blaszak M., Wasza T., Editor, University of Silesia, Zabrze, pp.45-63, 2011

Is Teaching Culture-Bound? A Cross-Cultural Study on the Beliefs of ELT Teachers

in: Aspects of Culture in Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning, Arabski J., Wojtaszek A., Editor, Springer-Verlag , Berlin, pp.107-120, 2011

Avrupa Birliği Dil Politikası ve Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe

in: Türkçe Öğretimi: Politika, Yöntem ve Beceriler, Yaylı D., Bayyurt, Y, Editor, Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara, pp.171-183, 2011

Is Teaching Culture-Bound? A Cross-Cultural Study on the Beliefs of ELT Teachers

in: Aspects of Culture in Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning, Arabski J., Wojtaszek A., Editor, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.107-120, 2011

Conjunctive Adverbs in Learner English: A Usage-based Approach

in: The Dialogue of Language, the Dialogue of Culture, Lyda A., Baker D.G., Blaszak M., Wasza T., Editor, University of Silesia, Zabrze, pp.92-105, 2011

Second Language Acquisition of Any-type NPIs by Turkish Adult Learners

in: The Dialogue of Language, the Dialogue of Culture, Lyda A., Baker D.G., Blaszak M., Wasza T., Editor, University Of Silesia, Zabrze, pp.45-63, 2011

The Status of English in Turkey

in: International corpus of learner English, Granger S., Dagneaux, E., Meunier, F., Paquot, M., Editor, Université Catholique De Louvain, Centre For English Corpus Linguistics, Louvain, pp.205-210, 2009

Search of L2 English Evidence in L1 Collocational Patterns of Turkish EFL Learners

in: Philological Explorations, Socarras, G.M., Editor, Atiner, Atina, pp.132-143, 2009

Search of L2 English Evidence in L1 Collocational Patterns of Turkish EFL Learners

in: Philological Explorations, Socarras, G.M., Editor, Atiner, Atina, pp.132-143, 2009

The Status of English in Turkey

in: International corpus of learner English, Granger S., Dagneaux, E., Meunier, F., Paquot, M., Editor, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain, pp.205-210, 2009

The Status of English in Turkey

in: International Corpus of Learner English, Granger S., Dagneaux, E., Meunier, F., Paquot, M., Editor, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain, pp.205-210, 2009

To move or not to move: acquisition of L2 English syntactic movement parameter

in: Morphosyntactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition, Danuta Gabry?-Barker, Editor, Multiligual Matters, Clevedon, pp.132-143, 2008

To Move or not to Move, Acquisition of L2 English Syntactic Movement Parameter.

in: Morphosyntactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition, Barker, D. G., Editor, Multilingual Books , Bristol, pp.132-143, 2008

To Move or Not to Move: Acquisition of L2 English SyntacticMovement Parameter

in: Morphosyntactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition, Danuta Gabryś-Barker, Editor, Multilingual Matters & Channel View Publications , Toronto, pp.132-143, 2008

To Move or not to Move, Acquisition of L2 English Syntactic Movement Parameter

in: Morphosyntactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition, Barker, D. G., Editor, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp.132-143, 2008

Head Parameter Setting in the Acquisition of Turkish as a First Language

in: Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages, Goksel A, Kerslake C, Editor, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp.275-282, 2000

Head Parameter Setting in the Acquisition of Turkish as a First Language

in: Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages, Goksel A, Kerslake C,, Editor, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp.275-282, 2000



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