Education Information
1999 - 2006 Doctorate
Cukurova University, Fen Bilimleri Enst., Elektrik Elektronik Müh. Abd- Robotik Ve Kontrol Sistemleri, Turkey
1990 - 1993 Postgraduate
Middle East Technical University, Fen Bilimleri Enst., Elektrik Elektronik Müh. Abd- Kontrol Sistemleri, Turkey
1985 - 1990 Undergraduate
Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Engineering, Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Turkey
2006 Doctorate
Preshaping Control for Dexterous Manipulation with a Multifingered Robot Hand
Cukurova University, Institute Of Natural And Applied Sciences, Electrical And Electronics Engineering
1993 Postgraduate
Intelligent Sensorimotor Control of Robot Hand Preshaping
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School Of Natural And Applied Sciences, Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Foreign Languages
C1 Advanced English