Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2025 (SCI-Expanded)
In the present study, physicochemical features and staling characteristics of fully egg-replaced gluten-free cakes with aquafaba derived from four different pulses, as kidney beans, chickpeas, haricot beans, and black-eyed peas, during two-week storage were elucidated. In this context, the aw, moisture content, and DPPH* (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity were decreased in all eggless gluten-free (ESGF) cakes throughout storage. The 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furfural contents in ESGF cakes ranged between 218.12 to 248.84 µg/kg and 97.0 to.28 µg/kg, respectively on the first day of storage. According to the volatile compounds, the predominated volatile group was acids in all ESGF cakes followed by aldehydes and alcohols on the 1st day of storage. Using aquafaba in gluten-free cakes accelerated the starch staling process, regarding staling kinetic parameters fitted to the Avrami model (n = 1). The consumption of control cake made with whole-eggs was not recommended after 7 days of storage at room temperature due to microbiological safety concerns whereas ESGF cakes could be consumed after 14 days of storage.