Exploring Decision-Making Methods in Lean Construction Tool Selection

Turkyilmaz O. H., Besiktepe D.

Construction Research Congress 2024, CRC 2024, Iowa, United States Of America, 20 - 23 March 2024, vol.3, pp.382-392 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 3
  • Doi Number: 10.1061/9780784485286.039
  • City: Iowa
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.382-392
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Lean construction (LC) practices comprise a set of tools providing optimal value generation with reduced waste and costs while promoting stakeholder collaboration. The selection of these tools is a complex process considering various organizational and strategic goals with the number of available LC tools. Companies implementing LC principles need practical applications to select the most optimal and value-generating tools that align with their goals. With that, this study explores the utilization of decision-making methods in LC tool selection. The study determined limited studies utilizing decision-making methods in LC tool selection and further reviewed lean manufacturing tool selection efforts. The study revealed the lack of systematic approaches in LC tool selection within several LC tools. Moreover, future research directions were suggested, such as understanding the value of LC tools for different project types and investigating decision-making methods in other industries for lean tool selection with their applicability in the construction industry.