Sustainable development and management research, SINASI AKDEMIR, Editör, LAMBERT ACADEMIC, Arad, ss.93-129, 2022
Togo’s economy, like that of most countries in the sub-region, has long
been based on the agricultural sector. Even if the contribution of the sector
to the formation of the GDP is reduced over the years, agriculture still
plays a preponderant role in the economy and the development of the
country with increasingly increasing added values. It represents 19% of
the GDP (World Bank, 2021a), an absorption of 32% of the active population
in 2019 (World Bank, 2021c); strategies for eradicating hunger
and achieving sustainable development goals are largely based on the
growth and development of the agricultural sector. However, despite the
efforts and progress made in the sector, there is still a state of deficit. For
example, the needs for rice, meat, fish, not to include agro-food products,
cannot be met by national production, leading to import expenses
amounting to $284,536,742 US in 2015 (for 13.38% of total imports)
(World Bank, 2021b).