Transforming Technology into Educational Practice: Content Designing Process of Learning Objects

EFENDİOĞLU A., Yanpar Yelken T.

International Educational Technology Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 27 May 2011, vol.1, pp.1207-1213

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1207-1213
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


In recent years, especially as reflections of the developments in computer technologies, essential changes toward practicing technology based instruction in educational curriculum are realized and teachers’ use of technology is getting more important. Providing teachers’ requirements about computer based learning objects they can use in classrooms is needed for both using the curriculum and increasing learning levels of the students. In this context, the purpose of this study is to represent examples from designing and constructing process of the some selected experiments which are designed by using simulation based learning objects of physics, chemistry and biology subjects taking place in Science and Technology Laboratory Practices II lesson that is taught in second class level of department of classroom teacher. The learning objects are designed by using Adobe Flash software. During the designing process, the experts about computer and instructional technologies, graphics designing, physics, chemistry and biology are included. Beside, two and three dimensional graphics, audio, text and animations are used while designing experiment simulations as learning objects. During the process of organizing the contents of experiments and designing the learning objects, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) and cognitive load theory (CLT) are taken into consideration for providing students flexible and practical learning objects directing them to learn by discovery.