Aim: The fact that documented cases of sharp injuries and mucocutaneous exposures are still occurring is a reminder of the importance of preventing injuries and of providing services for the prompt and appropriate management of such incidents. Our study provides an overview of the risks associated with needle-stick and sharps injuries and lids a light in prevention strategies to protect the healthcare professionals. Material and Method: Between January 2015 and September 2017 the reports of the occupational injuries in our high-technology hospital that is located in the metropolitan area with 1200 beds and 3300 healthcare workers were examined. Results: One hundred eighty-five occupational exposures were reported. Percutaneous injuries were the most common exposure (87.5%) (161/185). Mucocutaneous exposures decreased from 16%(9/56) in 2015 to 9.4%(5/53) in 2017. Of all injuries, injuries observed in nursing professions was 49.1%. Twenty-two Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive, 12 Hepatitis C (HCV) and 3 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive source exposures were reported. Seroconversion was not observed in workers exposed to the Hepatitis B (HBV), HCV and HIV. Of 185 workers 75 workers (40.5%) reported that they had sustained injuries without a report. The use of self-protective equipment was poor. When the exposure occurred 22% and 90% of the workers were not using gloves and goggles respectively. Discussion: The low number of reported exposures suggests that hospital staff are not yet fully informed about possible consequences of their injuries and true number of seroconversion attributable to occupation exposures to HCV and HIV may be potentially underestimated.