Phenological Growth Stages of Some Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.)

DÖLEK C., Ozkaya M. T.

Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda bilimleri dergisi (Online), cilt.39, sa.1, ss.13-24, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


In this study, phenological observations were made in Domat, Gemlik and Sarı Ulak olive cultivars in Tarsus region. For this purpose, inflorescences, beginning of blooming, stages of flowering by 25%, 50% and 75%, end of flowering, green and black maturity periods were determined. As a result of the study, it has been determined that there was a period of 10-15 days between the flowering (BBCH=55) and fruit setting (BBCH=69) periods of the cultivars. On average, the time from full blooming to maturity; It was determined as 179 days in Gemlik cultivar, 175 days in Sarı Ulak cultivar and 138 days in Domat cultivar. Flowering and fruit set periods in olive cultivars have a big importance for choosing indigenous cultivar selection. In this study, the effect of climate data of different years on flowering and maturity periods were evaluated. When the climate conditions with flowering and maturity parameters were evaluated together, the best suggestable cultivar for relevant region is became Sarı Ulak.