The Concept of Knowledge Management: Rational vs. Multifaceted Perspectives

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Uyan U., Şanal M.

in: Handbook of Research on Cyber Approaches to Public Administration and Social Policy, Fahri Özsungur (Mersin University,Turkey), Editor, IGI Global: International Academic Publisher, Pennsylvania, pp.477-500, 2022

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Publisher: IGI Global: International Academic Publisher
  • City: Pennsylvania
  • Page Numbers: pp.477-500
  • Editors: Fahri Özsungur (Mersin University,Turkey), Editor
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


This chapter discusses the concept of organizational knowledge and how it can be managed in business settings effectively. For this purpose, first, different perspectives on knowledge were introduced (possession and practice perspectives), and various definitions of the concept were compiled from the literature. Following that, a more specific concept, organizational knowledge, and two distinct approaches (rational and multifaceted perspectives) to the management of this form of knowledge were discussed in detail. In this section, taxonomic studies were also incorporated to confer different assumptions towards organizational knowledge explicitly. Understanding these assumptions is critical since it would give hints on how to manage knowledge in such settings. The chapter is finalized by explaining the dimensions of the knowledge management process.