KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.7, no.2, pp.953-974, 2007 (SSCI)
In this study, the levels of hopelessness and state-trait anxiety among teacher candidates before taking the State Employees Selection Exam (KPSS) were investigated. The research was carried out with 403 volunteer teacher candidates. Of them, 271 seniors who were attending classes at Cukurova University in 2005-2006 Spring and 132 were newly-graduated teacher candidates from various other universities. The data collection tools in the study were the Personal Information Form prepared by the researchers, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Beck Hopelessness, Scale. In the data analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and stepwise regression analyses were used. After the analyses, significant differences were found as in the following order: a) the hopelessness levels among the teacher candidates on gender and major, b) the trait anxiety and the hopelessness levels regarding to previous KPSS experiences and attendance to a KPSS preparation course and, c) the hopelessness and the state-trait anxiety levels in terms of the contribution of the educational training courses offered at teacher candidates during their pre-service education. As for the results on among the new graduates, it was seen that state anxiety was the first factor in predicting their hopelessness levels followed by trait anxiety levels and gender. The rank of the predictors for the seniors were found to be trait anxiety, state anxiety and, the last KPSS experience.