First Report of Almond Leaf Scorch in Turkey

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Güldür M. E., Çağlar B. K., Castellano M. A., Ünlü L., Güran S., Yılmaz M. A., ...More

Journal Of Plant Pathology, vol.87, no.3, pp.246, 2005 (SCI-Expanded)

  • Publication Type: Article / Abstract
  • Volume: 87 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Journal Name: Journal Of Plant Pathology
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.246
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


In earlyJune 2005, alinand trees (Prunus amygdalus L) with ehlorosis of the tipsand margins of the leaves, necro-sis of the yellow areas, and rolling of the blades were ob-served in several orehards of Salinurfa (southem Turkey). Diseased plants had a seattered distribution. The symp-toms observed resembled very mueh those of alinand leaf search (Pureell, 2002) a disorder indueed by the xylem-limited baeterium Xylella fastidiosa (Wells et al, 1987). Symptomatic leaf samples were theretare resred by DAS-ELISA for the presenee of X. fastidiosa and of a few eom-man Prunus viruses, i.e. Prunus necrotic ring spot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarjvirus (PDV), and Plum pox virus . (PPV), using commercial kits (Loewe Phytodiagnostiea Bioehemiea, Germany). ELI SA was done following the di-reetions supplied with the kir, dispensing in eaeh well 200 ml of extraets from leaf petioles. Negative contrals (symp-tomless trees) were included. Of 27 symptomatic samples from seven different alinand archards, 23 gave a positive response to X. fastidiosa but none reaeted with antisera to PNRSV, PDV and PPV When tesis were repeated from other diseased trees at the end of July, 12 of 30 samples were again ELISA-positive. When fragments from petioles and main veins of symptomatie leaves eollected in July from ELISA-positive trees were proeessed for thin see-tioning and observed under the eleetron microseope, bae-teriili eells ca. 2xOJ mm in size were profusely present in xylem elements. No bacteria were seen in symptomless eontrols. These data seem to substantiate the likelihood that X. fastidiosa is associared with seorehed alinand trees in southem Turkey. The only extant record of X. fastidiosa in the Mediterranean area is from Kosovo, where the bae-terium was found in grapevines (Berisha et al., 1998).