Preschool Teachers’ Views on Read-Alouds

Akkaya Alıcı Y., Yurtal F., Deretarla Gül E.

World Children Conference-V, 7 - 09 Haziran 2024, ss.361-362

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.361-362
  • Çukurova Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


It is thought that preschool teachers' views on read-alouds will both increase awareness about readalouds and contribute to the preschool education program. In this regard, the aim of the study is to examine the view of preschool teachers about read-alouds. This study was prepared with a descriptive research approach from quantitative research approaches. Survey method was used as the research model. The study group consists of 230 preschool teachers working in private and public educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In the study, a survey form was created by the researchers to determine the views of preschool teachers on read-alouds. While creating the survey form, the relevant literature was examined in detail and survey items were created in accordance with the literature. The content-based validity of the survey questions was ensured by obtaining the views of two field experts that the features planned to be measured were accurately and adequately reflected. The survey questions were shared with two preschool teachers and it was seen that the expressions in the questions were clear and understandable. The survey form consists of three parts. The first section contains questions regarding the demographic information of the participants. The second part includes questions that reflect the participants' practices regarding read-alouds and where they can tick more than one option that suits them. The third part of the survey includes questions to determine the participants' attitudes towards read-alouds. Analyzes continue in line with the data obtained from the participants. Keywords: Read-alouds, preschool teacher, preschool education.