Eurosoil istanbul 2016, İstanbul, Turkey, 16 - 21 October 2016, vol.1, no.1, pp.66
The Effects Of Ammonia Fertilization On Co2 Production, Dehydrogenase Enzyme
Activity And Ph Changes Under Wheat Vegetation Undertaken By The Injection
Method (Cultan)
Hesna Pamiralan, Mustafa Gok
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
In this study (first in Turkey), the effect of ammonia fertilization on CO2 production and
activation of dehydrogenase enzyme (DHA) and pH were investigated in comparison to
CULTAN and conventional fertilization methods. The aim of this study was to determine the
microbiological activity (CO2 production, DHA) based on the injection of liquid ammonia
into the soil in comparison to conventionally applied fertilization in the widely spread wheat
cultivation areas of Turkey (Cukurova). According to the results however there were no
statistical significant differences between the applications in terms of CO2 production. The
highest CO2 production was obtained in the %100 CULTAN application (14.36 mgCO2/100
gkt 24 h.) on the injection point and the lowest CO2 production was obtained in the %70
conventional application (13.02 mgCO2/100 gds 24 h.) on the fertilization band. In terms of
DHA the highest values were detected in the %70 CULTAN application (303.5 μg TPF/10
gds) on the injection point and the lowest values were detected in the control plots between the
wheat lines. On the other hand there were no significant results determined between the other
applications. In terms of pH change the lowest pH value was obtained in%70 CULTAN
application by the injection method as 7.71.
Keywords: CULTAN, CO2 production, DHA, wheat