In this study, SrGd2O4: xSm(3+) (x = 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%) phosphors were synthesized using solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements confirmed a orthorhombic structure (space group Pnam (62)) of synthesized compounds. Following irradiation with 10 Gy beta dose, the sample doped with 0.5% Sm exhibited the highest integrated thermoluminescence (TL) intensity with the IRSL-TL wide band blue filter. In order to evaluate dose-response, samples were irradiated with beta radiation for 0.1-10 Gy. The Hoogenstraaten's method, the initial rise method, combined with the TM-Tstop experiment, and glow curve fitting package were employed to determine the number of peaks, the trap structure, and the kinetic parameters of the thermoluminescence glow curve of Sm doped SrGd2O4 Based on the glow curve deconvolution obtained using software package, the component TL glow peaks present in the complex glow curve are composed of well-isolated five overlapping glow peaks. (C)& nbsp;2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.