Weight Reduction Using Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) in Semi Trailer Chassis

Talas T., Karaçor B., Özcanlı M.

10. International European Congress on Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences , Amsterdam, Hollanda, 26 - 28 Temmuz 2024, ss.1112-1128

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Amsterdam
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Hollanda
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1112-1128
  • Çukurova Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


In recent years, the main goal of commercial vehicle manufacturers is to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of the vehicle while maximizing the carrying capacity as much as possible. Due to its high carrying load, manufacturers generally aim to achieve high strength by using high-thickness steel S355. However, it can also achieve high strength by using ultra-high strength steel. In this study, the semi-trailer chassis was designed with the help of the Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive (CATIA) program, and ultra-high strength steel and S355 steel materials were defined in ANSYS. Dualphase steels, which have high strength and are known for their machinability and ease of forming, were used in the lightweighting process. The mechanical properties, stresses, and deformations of the materials were compared by applying a 30-ton load on the semi-trailer chassis. Since the geometry and loading have a symmetrical structure, the analysis model was modelled as symmetrical, that is, half, and nonlinear analysis was performed. In the results obtained, while stresses in the range of 235-470 MPa were detected on the I type section spacer of the semi-trailer chassis defined as S355 material, a stress value of 550 MPa was observed on the kingpin table region. In the ultra-high strength material chassis, stresses in the range of 240-400 MPa were observed in the I-type section spacer, and a stress of 455 MPa was found on the kingpin table region. Stress and deformation values under load in ultra-high strength steel are better than S355 material. In the analysis results obtained when the thickness of the Itype section in the longitudinal carriers was reduced, a 182 kg lightening was discovered in the chassis longitudinal carriers. The result of the weight analysis was defined in the VECTO program and carbon emissions and fuel savings were calculated. The 182 kg reduction in chassis weight corresponds to a 9% reduction in the entire chassis. It has been found that from the VECTO program, UHSS chassis provides fuel savings of 2.9% per 100 km and a reduction in carbon emissions of 3% per km.