Comparison Of The Effects Of The Mother Self-Help Group And Psycho-Education Group For Children On Coating With Aggression In Primary School Children

Baykara A., Bilgin M.

22.ULUSLARARASI PSİKOLOJİK DANIŞMA VE REHBERLİK KONGRESİ, Muş, Turkey, 7 - 10 October 2021, pp.273-274

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Muş
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.273-274
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, the effect of the psychoeducation program applied to the self-help group formed by the mothers of the children with aggressive behavior and the different group consisting of the children with the aggressive behavior on the aggressive behaviors of the children was investigated. Pre-test measurements were made by applying the Aggression Scale to the 4th grade students continuing their education in a primary school in Adana. The scale was applied to a total of 256 students. In the evaluation made after the scale applied, the scale scores were divided into three categories as lower, middle and upper, taking into account the scores to the right and left of one standard deviation according to the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained from the scale. Then, 4 students from each score range from the lower-middle and upper categories were assigned to the child psycho-education group (experimental 1), the mother self-help group (experimental 2) and the child control group. A self-help group was formed with the volunteer mothers of the students selected for the Experiment 2 group. An 8- session Coping with Aggression Psycho-education program was applied to the students in the experimental group 1 of the study. A Self-Help Group was formed with the mothers of the students who formed the Experiment 2 group. No action was taken against to the control groups. Aggression Scale was used to determine the aggression levels of the students. The scale was applied to the experimental and control group students as pretest, posttest and follow-up measurements. SPSS 22 package program was used in the analysis of the data of the research. According to the research findings, it was seen that the self-help group applied to the mothers was more effective in reducing aggression than the psychoeducation group applied to the children. The lack of a significant difference between the self-help group, psychoeducation group and control group monitoring scores is thought to be due to the pandemic. When the post-test and follow-up scores of the psychoeducation group and the control group were examined, it was observed that there was a significant increase in the follow-up scores of the self-help group, although there was a slight increase in the scores. This situation has shown that the effect of effective aid can be reduced in extraordinary circumstances