Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Enrichment with HHO-CNG Mixtures

Arat H. T., Kaan B., ÖZCANLI M., AYDIN K., Baltacıoğlu E.

International Conference on Automotive and Vehicle Technologies 2014, İstanbul, Turkey, 16 - 18 October 2014, pp.223-232

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.223-232
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


In decade years, due to lack of supply-demand balance of petroleum and 
exhaust emissions within environmental pollution, researchers give more attention 
to endeavor of using alternative fuels in internal combustion engines. Alternative 
fuels have got their own behaviors and fuel properties that they affect the engine 
when used as a fuel, comes by their advantages and disadvantages. It is very 
important to know and investigate theirs fuel behavior and effects of combustion 
and exhaust emissions. 
In this study, HHO (Hydroxy-Oxyhydrogen) gas and CNG (Compressed Natural 
Gas) mixtures used in CI (Compression-Ignition) engine as an addition fuels via 
intake manifold and engine performance & exhaust emissions were investigated 
experimentally. In experiments engine run under below three conditions; normal 
diesel operation, 1,5%CNG+Diesel operation and 15%CNG+2,2%HHO+Diesel 
operation respectively between 1200-2300 rpm engine speeds. Engine performance 
and exhaust emission parameters explained and illustrated with graphics as engine 
torque, specific fuel consumption and engine speed; CO, CO2
, NO, NO2
. The obtained 
results are presented and compared each other.
It was observed that the enrichment of diesel engine with HHO-CNG mixtures 
reduced the specific fuel consumption, CO2
 and NOx, however increased the CO. 
At the middle engine speeds addition of HHO to CNG prevent from the decreasing 
the torque values. Additionally it was observed that HHO and/or CNG, improves 
the level of engine noise and down the SO2
 values to zero. As a result; this study 
contains, how the engine performance and exhaust emissions changes with usage 
of HHO and CNG enrichment in a CI engine, were investigated in detail.