Palaentological Findings on Historical Coastal Inundation Events on the Eastern Coastal Plain of the Gulf of Saros, Turkey

Meric E., Altinok Y., Alpar B., NAZİK A., AVŞAR N., Yokes M. B., ...Daha Fazla

TURKIYE JEOLOJI BULTENI-GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF TURKEY, cilt.62, sa.3, ss.263-274, 2019 (ESCI) identifier


Significantly rich assemblages of foraminifera (11 samples), ostracoda (8 samples) and mollusca (7 samples) have been detected from the 14 samples recovered from the salty swamp plain behind a dunefield along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Saros, North Aegean Sea. Preliminary paleontological findings, together with the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) late Quaternary dating technique, have indicated that big-scale storm waves and occasional tsunamis have inundated the large coastal areas at the eastern part of gulf, as much as a few kilometres, in the past, at least during the last 2200 years.