3rd International Strawberry Symposium, VELDHOVEN, Hollanda, 29 Nisan - 04 Mayıs 1996, ss.297-300
The growth and productivity of some new strawberry cultivars for Turkey were studied during the 1992-93 season under walk-in plastic tunnels at Adana. The experimental selection/cultivars H-l (day-neutral), Redchief, Lester, Honeoye, Addie, Elsanta, Chandler, Selva (day-neutral) and Tufts were used. The plants of the first 4 cultivars were prepared as fresh runners rooted in pots (FRRP). Frigo plants of the remaining 5 cultivars were added to the experimental material. All the plants were planted in the middle of July, 1992. During the growing period first flowering and harvest dates, the growth behaviour, yield per plant and soluble solid contents of the cultivars were recorded.