As processes requiring the long-term collaborations of a large number of different teams, the dynamic structure of construction projects render their management difficult. Human resources constitute the backbone of the managerial processes. One of the most important factors causing difficulties in the construction industry is the frequently changing labor force due to employee turnover. Here, the work-related perceptions of employees play an important role because of their effects on employees' commitment to the workplace. The psychology of the employees depends on numerous variables. This study aims to uncover the concepts forming and affecting the work-related attitudes and perceptions of the construction industry workers and investigate the relationships among them. A multivariate model through which the effects of the personality traits, job satisfaction, professional commitment and organizational commitment of the employees were investigated and tested using the Structural Equation Modeling method and recommendations were offered in light of our results. When the relationship between the variables were investigated, the relationship between personality and organizational commitment was determined with the help of the mediating effect of job satisfaction.