Gıda, vol.39, pp.25-32, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In this study, natural cloudy lemon juice and their concentrates were produced after extraction of Interdonato variety lemon removed from rough particles of pulp and lemon juice can be pasteurized. Effects of the processing steps on the some quality were investigated during the lemon juice production and the obtained concentrates were stored at -25 °C for 180 days. Natural cloudy lemon juices with application at 90 °C for 15 seconds of 7.39% residual pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity was determined. In the values of pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids and total solids were not significantly determined with the production stages and storage. Values of ascorbic acid were observed reductions with stages of the production and storage. Viscosity and total pectin contents were determined increased with naturall cloudy lemon juices were concentrated, values of PME activity and turbidity were determined decreases. Values of total pectin and turbidity was not a significantly observed except for PME activity during storage of concentrates.
Bu çal›flmada, ‹nterdonat çeflidi limon ekstraksiyon iflleminden sonra kaba pulp parçac›klar› uzaklaflt›r›l›p pastörize edilerek do¤al bulan›k limon suyu ve konsantresi üretilmifltir. Limon sular›n›n üretimindeki ifllem basamaklar›n›n ve depolama süresinin (-25 °C’de 180 gün) baz› kalite özellikleri üzerine etkisi araflt›r›lm›flt›r. Do¤al bulan›k limon sular›na 90 °C s›cakl›kta 15 saniye pastörizasyon uygulamas› ile %7.39 kal›nt› pektinmetilesteraz (PME) aktivitesi tespit edilmifltir. pH, titrasyon asitli¤i, suda çözünür kuru madde, toplam kuru madde de¤erlerinde ise üretim aflamalar› ve depolama ile birlikte önemli bir de¤iflime rastlan›lmad›¤› belirlenmifltir. Askorbik asit içeriklerinde üretim aflamalar› ve depolama ile birlikte azalmalar›n meydana geldi¤i tespit edilmifltir. Do¤al bulan›k limon sular›n›n konsantre edilmesiyle viskozite ve toplam pektin içeriklerinde art›fl, PME aktivitesi ve bulan›kl›k de¤erlerinde ise azalmalar oldu¤u bulunmufltur. Konsantrelerin depolanmas› s›ras›nda PME aktivitesi d›fl›nda viskozite, toplam pektin ve bulan›kl›k de¤erlerinde önemli de¤iflim olmam›flt›r.