KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.11, no.3, pp.1320-1325, 2011 (SSCI)
This comparative case study aimed to investigate whether experienced elementary school teachers' science and technology teaching processes differed from inexperienced teachers' teaching processes in terms of using metacognitive strategies. 14 elementary school teachers, including 7 experienced and 7 inexperienced-participated in the study. The qualitative data were collected through unstructured observation and semi-structured interview in 90 class hours in total. The data were analyzed through content analysis. The results show that experienced elementary school teachers perform more activities related to metacognition before, during and after science and technology teaching process and they make use of more metacognitive strategies addressing many components of metacognition such as planning, observation, and organization. These findings revealed that teachers should be trained in in-service programs in a way that they would implement metacognitive strategies into their classes and their skills about metacognitive strategies implementation should be reinforced.