Infectious rates of HCT-8 cells infected with Cryptospordium parvum, sporozoites obtained in in vitro different excystation conditions

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Koloren Z., DİNÇER S.

BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT, cilt.22, sa.3, ss.856-858, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this study. HCT-8 cells in infected with C. parvum sporozoites which were released in 3 different excystation conditions (TA/ cytomixs: RPMI-1640 excystation media (I:I); TA/cytomix: RPMI-1640 media card TA/cvtotnix media) were counted under fluorescent microscopv by IPA (Imumofluorescent assay method). Different pulses (pulse 1, pulse 2, pulse 3 and heat inactivated) were applied,for C. parvum sporozoities under electroporation conditions of 1000 voltage (kV/cm). 50 capacitance (mu F) and 50 recistance (oho Omega) and cell monolayers were counted under fluorescent microscopy to determine infected cells. As a consequence, the maximum infected cell monolayers were enumerated at pulse l under electroporation conditions of 1000 V 50 mu F. 50 Omega Our results showed that the best condition of excystation ryas TA/cytomixs: RPMI-1640 excystation media (1:1) with excystation rate of 80% and the other excystation rates were 70% and 60% for TA/cytomix:RPMI-1640: media and TA/cytomix media, respectively.