Carbon Emission and International Trade Relationship

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Bal H., Işcan E., Serin D., Loğoğlu S.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 5 - 07 October 2017, pp.206-212

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Bishkek
  • Country: Kyrgyzstan
  • Page Numbers: pp.206-212
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


The rapid increase in the world population and the tecnological developments' positive contribution to industrialization has increased demand for resources. The excessive use of the factors to meet these needs has confronted mankind with the pronlem of climate change which is the of the most serious problems of the past. Global warming and climate change have changed the structure of gas components in the atmosphere and have allowed countries to take the problem to the global perspective. The national responsibilities are closely related to the foreing trade of the countries. In this context, the study of the relationship between carbon emissions and international trade relations has been the aim of the study. Using the dynamic paned data method, the relationship between carbon emissions and international trade was examined for 33 OECD countries between 2000-2013. As a result of the empirical results, the relationship between import variable and carbon emission is positive and statistically significant, while the relation between export and carbon emissions is negative and statistically significant. Subsequently, it was aimed to determine the long-term existence of carbon emissions and international trade relations for Turkey by using the ARDL approach. The relationship between Turkey's carbon emissions, imports, exports and heavy industrial product varieties has examined by using ARDL approach. The empirical results show that Turkey wont be able to say anything definite about the relationship between the variables of trade and and carbon emissions because protocol obligations are low and accepted late.