3rd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2017), Budapeşte, Hungary, 3 - 07 May 2017, pp.445-449
Due to the collapse of fish stocks, commercial fishery at Seyhan Dam Lake is completely over in 2013. As a result, both financial and social problems have been experienced. In this study, it was evaluated whether it would be prevented the collapse of the pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) stock by following simple overfishing indicators. For this, the data of the sampling performed in Seyhan Dam Lake in 2008 was used. Catching was carried out with gillnets with 20-22 and 24 mm mesh size. With the data obtained; length distribution, length at first maturity, length-weight relationship, optimum length, optimum size and mega-spawner size were determined. Using these results, an assessment was made on the status of the pikeperch stock in terms of overfishing. For this species, length at first maturity, optimum length, optimum size and the lower limit of mega-spawner were determined as 26cm, 34cm, 30-38cm and 42cm respectively. It was also found that if fishermen would have used 32-34 mm mesh size instead of 20-22 mm, even if they caught the same number of fish, the biomass would have increased 58 times.