Uluslararası Fen, Matematik, Girişimcilik ve Teknoloji Eğitimi Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 12 - 14 April 2019, pp.486
In recent years, the education community has begun to hear the word “entrepreneurship”
frequently. Especially after the introducing of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematic)
approach with the educational community, the words of innovation and entrepreneurship were
pronounced side by side and entered the literature of many educators. This concept was not only
entered to the Turkish educators’ agenda but also it entered the agenda of every educator all around
the world. In fact, it is not possible for a concept in the globalized world to enter the agenda of a
country but not on the agenda of other countries. Then there are a number of common denominators
that move entrepreneurship to the agenda of many countries. These common denominators are
generally international strategy documents that have an impact on the global level, the reports of
international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, or the general
orientations, which cannot be avoided in parallel with the opportunities offered by technology. In this
study, reports, strategy documents and future aims published by international organizations were
examined and how entrepreneurship was entered into educational policies was assessed. Different
implementation strategies of entrepreneurship education of some countries will be presented