Elementary Education Online, vol.19, no.4, pp.2118-2139, 2020 (Scopus)
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate of the mediator role of dyadic coping (DC) in relations
between parenting stress and marital quality. The data were collected from 803 people (%59 women,
%41 men) by Dyadic Coping Inventory, Marital Quality Scale and Parent Stress Scale. Three models were
formed in direction in line with the study, (the perception of the individuals towards self-perception
towards DC, the perception towards the partner, the perception of common DC) and these models were
tested. As mediator variables, emotion-problem focused supportive coping, negative coping, emotionproblem focused common coping which are subscales of DC with stress were used. Results showed that in
the perception of self and partner models, there were partial mediations of emotion focused support; in
the common model there were partial mediation by emotion and problem-focused common DC in the
relation between parenting stress and marital quality.
Key Words: Parenting stress, dyadic coping, marital quality, stress, structural equation modeling