An Optimization Study: Examining Different Materials Usage in the Truck Chassis

Karaçor B., Aslan A., Özcanlı M., Kılınç Ö.

6th International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 - 16 April 2024, pp.2006-2033

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Lisbon
  • Country: Portugal
  • Page Numbers: pp.2006-2033
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Heavy commercial vehicle chassis is a chassis type that is frequently used in regularly developed military projects, transportation, concrete pumps, and similar sectors. The preference of these chassis types in different sectors highlights parameters such as lightness and cost, as well as durability. In this study, design changes were made in the heavy commercial vehicle chassis design by using the topology method to reduce chassis weight. CATIA V5 R21 design program was used for the design. ANSYS Workbench R23 finite element analysis program was used for analyses. Three different materials were used in the chassis analysis, namely St-37 (structural steel), Usibor 1500 (UHSS), and S690QL steel. The reason for choosing these steel groups was to examine the comparison of steel groups in different shapes and strengths through topology optimization. As a result of the analyses, three different steel groups were compared in terms of total deformation, equivalent stress value, safety factor, and cost. The study results showed that the weight of the optimized parts was reduced by 37.84%. In addition, the data obtained reflects that the safety factor values in steel groups are 1.04 to 1.07 times better. It has been determined that material costs are reduced by approximately 1.61 times with topology optimization, and the number of critical points is reduced by distributing the stress changes at some points of the chassis from certain points to different regions in the design.