Level of religiosity by School Type: A Study on Women in Turkey


CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION JOURNAL, vol.48, no.1, pp.787-820, 2019 (ESCI) identifier


Religiosity discussions condensed together with secular / laic life emerged in the community and has been the main vein of Turkey's political movements. It causes intense discussions especially on educational institutions. For example, the desire and project of the current political power to a raise "a religious generation" leads to an increase to concerns that society is pious in an important secular / secular part of society. Is there really an absolute relationship between institutional religious education and religiosity? If effective, how effective is institutional religious education on the religiousness of individuals? This study aims to reveal on women the relationship between institutional religious education and religiosity. Particularly, the tendency of religiosity of women who were educated in Imam Hatip Middle School, Imam Hatip High Schools and Theology Faculties and those who were educated in educational institutions other than those educational institutions were evaluated comparatively.