Selected physical properties of peanuts

Akcali I., Ince A., Guzel E.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES, vol.9, no.1, pp.25-37, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Selected physical properties of peanuts, which art effective in case of mobility or immobility were examined. For this aim, firstly, the geometrical shape of peanuts was defined and the specific mass and friction coefficient, which are quantitative measures of the inertia and frictional resistance that determine the ability of movement, were obtained. A geometrical shape consisting of a cylinder and two hemispheres at the ends has found quantitative appropriateness of at most 91% and at least 34%,for the varieties in Turkish Standards. A variation of 0.37-0.58 g cm(-3) for the solid density and that of 0.21-0.28 g cm(-3) for the bulk density of hulled peanut have been found. The solid densities of kernel and shell have been determined in the range of 0.88-0.9.3 g cm(-3) and 0.27-0.30 g cm(-3) respectively. Their average bulk densities have been observed within 0.54-0.59 g cm(-3) and 0.066-0.077 g cm(-3) intervals, respective v. The angle of repose and internal friction angle measured by two methods have been in close agreement-around a 29 degrees value. The friction coefficient has been found to be influenced by the materials in contact to a great extent, ranging from 0.23 for kernel on sheet metal up to 0.76 for hulled peanuts on an iron grate perpendicular to flow.