ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Oregon, United States Of America, 4 - 07 August 2013
There is a dire need for the development of an integrated information model for organizing and managing material and manufacturing related information, required for any product realization. In this paper, such an information framework for product, process and material modeling has been proposed to support the product's form, function and behavior, its physical and functional decompositions, its design requirements and design rationale, and its material and process needs. A detailed, real-life case study of the water jet intensifier design system has been presented to show how this proposed framework could support, capture and utilize all necessary information required for the selection of the intensifier's high-pressure cylinder material. The framework will also be able to provide sufficient information to quantify the eco-compatibilizy of products.