PCA based clustering for brain tumor segmentation of T1w MRI images

Kaya I. E., Pehlivanli A. C., SEKIZKARDES E. G., İBRİKÇİ T.

COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, cilt.140, ss.19-28, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Background and objective: Medical images are huge collections of information that are difficult to store and process consuming extensive computing time. Therefore, the reduction techniques are commonly used as a data pre-processing step to make the image data less complex so that a high-dimensional data can be identified by an appropriate low -dimensional representation. PCA is one of the most popular multivariate methods for data reduction. This paper is focused on T1-weighted MRI images clustering for brain tumor segmentation with dimension reduction by different common Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithms. Our primary aim is to present a comparison between different variations of PCA algorithms on MRIs for two cluster methods.