The overuse of pesticides is critically important for the environment because of contamination. The correct use of pesticides requires spraying optimization on the intended region. There are a lot of experimental and commercial softwares for determining the spraying parameters by using artificial targets such as water-sensitive papers. A novel image processing software was developed that could evaluate the spray coverage rates and droplet counts quickly and accurately as compared with DepositScan, ImageJ and SnapCard softwares. Water-sensitive papers were used as deposit collectors for providing a quick assessment of spray coverage. Each water-sensitive paper was assessed by comparing the three existing imaging softwares against the novel imaging software developed in Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) by National Instruments. A conveyor belt was set up for carrying the watersensitive papers. Conveyor belt system was used for four nozzle types (AI11002, CN11002, FF11002, TTJ6011002) and three different belt speeds (4, 5 and 6 km h(-1)). Scanned and digitized water-sensitive paper images were evaluated with the existing software in order to determine the success of the new software.