Retrospective Analysis of 119 Osteosarcomas in a Single Centre Experience

GÜNALDI M., DUMAN B. B., Ercolak V., Afsar C. U., PAYDAŞ S., ERKISI M., ...More

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND ANALYTICAL MEDICINE, vol.6, pp.117-120, 2015 (ESCI) identifier


Aim:Osteosarcomas must be managed by a team which includes pathologists, radiologists, surgeons, radiation therapists, and medical oncologists. Treatment modalities and demographic charasteristics of osteosarcomas were analysed in this study. Material and Method: Primary osteosarcomas treated between 1999-2010 in Cukurova University Medical Faculty Department of Medical Oncology were analysed retrospectively. Results: Of the total 119 patients, 74% were male and 26% female. The median age was 19. The median follow up time was 37 months. The most frequently seen sarcomas were osteoblastic at 82.4%. Localization of the disease was found to be 55% in the lower extremity, 14.1% in the upper extremity, 13% in the head-neck, 6.6% in the thoracic area, and 4.1 % in the pelvic region. Some 6.41% were local stage, 25.64% locally advanced, 15.8% metastatic, and 14.10% were diagnosed with nuks disease. Chemotherapy was administered in 77 of 119 patients. Patients received different treatments: 23.1% were treated with preoperative chemotherapy, 16.67% postoperative, 9.52% palliative, 33.33% preoperative+ postoperative, 2.38% postoperative+ palliative, 9.52% preoperative+ postoperative+ palliative chemotherapy, and 4.76% of the patients did not receive chemotherapy. Both radical and conservative surgery was performed. The most common metastatic site was the lungs. The overall length of survival was 65 months (95% CI 30-59). The survival rates did not vary between the groups of preoperative, postoperative, preoperative+ postoperative chemotherapy and other groups (respectively 23 versus 36 versus 28 versus 44 months) (p= 0.8). No differences were evident for radiotherapy (p= 0.06). Discussion: Osteosarcomas can be treated successfully with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. There was no cumulative survival difference in results based on the types of chemotherapy used in this study. These results show the importance of a multimodality treatment approach including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.