KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.8, no.1, pp.161-192, 2008 (SSCI)
The main purpose of this Study is to investigate devotion to democratic values and conflict resolution abilities of elementary school students. In the direction of this general purpose, the level of the students' devotion to democratic values and conflict resolution abilities were investigated by the Devotion to Democratic Values Scale (DDVS) and the Conflict Resolution Ability Scale (CRAS), respectively. Gender differences and relationships on devotion to democratic values and conflict resolution abilities were also Studied. In addition, differences between students who scored low and high oil devotion to democratic values were investigated in relation to the scores of Collaboration, Conformity, Forcing, and Avoidance subscales of the Conflict Resolution Ability Scale. A total of 257 elementary school students from fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades in elementary schools located in Adana participated in the Study. 123 of the students were girls and 134 of them were boys: 62 fourth grade students (24.1 %), 63 fifth grade students (24.5 %), 81 sixth grade Students (31.5 %), and 51 seventh grade students (19.8 %). According to the results, Students' mean scores on the DDVS and GRAS Were upper average on a 1-5 scale. Statistically significant differences were found in favor of girls on the DDVS scores and the Collaboration subscale scores of the CRAS. Oil the contrary, significant differences were found in favor of boys on the Forcing subscale scores of the GRAS. The correlation between students' DDVS and CRAS scores were.51 for Collaboration, -.10 for Conformity, -.65 for Forcing, and -.30 for Avoidance. Correlations between the DDVS and all the subscales of the CRAS were significant at .01, with the exception for the Conformity subscale. Students who have higher scores on the DDVS also scored higher on the CRAS-Collaboration subscale. Those who have lower scores on the DDVS have higher scores from the Conformity, Forcing, and Avoidance subscales. In short, results show that students in this sample had higher democratic values and conflict resolution abilities; that girls had higher level of devotion to democratic values than boys, and that there were significant correlations between devotion to democratic values and conflict resolution abilities.