ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE, vol.139, pp.38-44, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
This study was conducted to improve cryosurvival of electroejaculated (EE) ram semen in the presence of iodixanol (OptiPrep (TM)), trehalose or cysteamine. A tris-based extender was used to prepare 12 extenders containing OptiPrep (TM) (Op), trehalose (Tr) or cysteamine (Cy) alone, or different combinations of these compounds. Extenders were designated as follows: Tris (control), Op1.25 (1.25% Op, v/v), Op2.5 (2.5% Op, v/v), Op5 (5% Op, v/v), Tr50 (50 mM Tr), Tr100 (100 mM Tr), Cy (5 mM Cy), OpTr (2.5% Op and 100 mM Tr), OpCy (2.5% Op and 5 mM Cy), TrCy (100 mM Tr and 5 mM Cy), OpTrCy1 (2.5% Op, 100 mM Tr and 5 mM Cy) and OpTrCy2 (1.25% Op, 50 mM Tr and 2.5 mM Cy).