Identification of varietal polymorphism in Ficus carica L. by RAPD (Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) markers

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Aka-Kacar Y., KUDEN A., CETINER M.

International Symposium on Sustainable Use of Plant Biodiversity to Promote New Opportunities for Horticultural Production Development, Antalya, Turkey, 6 - 09 November 2001, pp.167-172 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.17660/actahortic.2003.598.24
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.167-172
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Since 1982, the Faculty of Agriculture at the Cukurova University has fig collection orchards containing various cultivars from Aegean, Southeast Anatolia, Marmara and Mediterranean regions. The Mediterranean area is mainly suitable for table fig production and these cultivars are named by their rind or flesh color such as yellow, green, purple, black etc. Therefore, there is confusion in identification of different cultivars. RAPD-markers allow genotype characterization to be done directly by DNA analysis. Random amplified polymorph DNA (RAPD) using twelve primers were characterized in thirty fig cultivars (Ficus carica L.). DNA was extracted from vegetative buds and amplified by PCR using random oligonucleotid primers. Genetic similarity values (Nei and Li, 1979) were calculated and UPGMA (Unweighted pair-group method analysis) cluster analysis was performed to generate a dendogram. The method, which is simple and rapid, should prove a useful system for the identification of fig cultivars.