Evaluation of Peach and Nectarine Hybrids Using SSR Marker Assisted Selection Approach


8th International Peach Symposium, Matera, Italy, 17 June 2013 - 20 June 2016, vol.1084, pp.105-111 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1084
  • City: Matera
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.105-111
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Peach production hybrids of local peach cultivar ('Ustun') and 'Venus' and 'Stark Red Gold' nectarine cultivars were evaluated for morphological, phenological and pomological characteristics and SSR markers. The aim of this breeding program was to obtain high chilling, late ripening, good quality and high yielding peach and nectarine cultivars. 'Ustun' was used as the male parent and crossed with 'Venus' and 'Stark Red Gold' nectarine cultivars. A total of 176 F1 hybrids; 61 of 'Venus' x 'Ustun' crossing and 115 of 'Stark Red Gold' x 'Ustun' crossings were used in this experiment. In the hybrid population, the pomological characteristics of peaches were compared by two SSR markers to investigate the marker selection effectiveness in F1 peach hybrids. According to the results, it was concluded that SSR primers that are possible to be used for early selection were not appropriate for our hybrid population in this study.