Orius species are considered effective biological control agents of thrips both in fields and greenhouses worldwide. The seasonal abundance and distributions of Odus and thrips species were determined from different arable crops and weeds in Adana Province in 2015-2016. In this study, a total of six species of genus Otitis namely, Onus albidipennis (Reuter,1884), Odus horvathi (Reuter,1884), Orius laevigatus (Fieber, 1860), Onus minutus (L., 1758), Orius niger (Wolff, 1881) and Onus vicinus (Ribaut, 1923) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) were identified. Odus niger was the most common predatory Anthocorid species with 1944 specimens, and followed by O. laevigatus with 447 specimens. While, O. laevigatus and o. niger were found to be active throughout the year, O. vicinus was only active in spring and summer, and the other Orius spp. were collected in summer. The predatory bugs were mostly found with the pestiferous thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande, 1895 and Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in diverse agricultural areas. Alfalfa, faba bean and sunflower were determined as a crucial host plant for Onus spp. Also, sesame could be potential companion (trap or banker) plant to support the predatory bugs in augmentative and conservative biological control strategies. Of the weeds sampled, Glebionis segetum Fourr. and Sinapis arvensis L. were the most colonized by Orius spp. From results it is concluded that O. niger and O. laevigatus are well adapted to the geographical conditions and plant biodiversity in Adana Province. Therefore, these predatory bugs could be crucial biological control agents of thrips species in field crops.