Anadolu Türkçesi Metinlerinde 'bolay ki' Sözü Üzerine


Discussions on Turkology Questions and Deuelopments of Modern Turkology Studies, Poland, vol.1, pp.664

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1
  • Country: Poland
  • Page Numbers: pp.664
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


On the Word Bolay ki in Anatolian Turkish Texts / Anadolu Türkçesi Metinlerinde 'bolay ki' Sözü Üzerine Looking at the historical texts of Anatolian Turkish much evidence can be observed showing the use of the clause bolay ki in company with the verb conjugations bearing the expressions of wish. This use, which is seen in Tarama Sözlüğü from the 14ıh to the l 9'h centuries in various works, is discussed in some Turkish grammars. For example, Jean Deny talked about this use in both "optative conjugation" and "prepositions" parts,in his grammar. ln addition, this use is discussed in grammars written by Europeans in different centuries. This subject is also taken up in Muharrem Ergin 's grammar. An example taken from Vasıf in the 19th century can be given as a model for the use of the word in Tarama Sözlüğü: "Baban vereydi seni bolay kim mevaliye / Sayende biz de taşınırız belki yalıya". This example and similar examples are striking. This word should be seen as ola ki in Anatolian Turkish, but it is seen with ! b- / initial sound and - ay parti ele in Eastem Turkish. The evaluation of the reasons for the difference in appearance in Eastem and Anatolian Turkish will be useful. The comparison of the use of the properties of the same structure in Eastem Turkish texts and Anatolian Turkish is important for the evaluation of the relations between the East and West Turkish written languages. In an article, which studies the ola preposition in old Anatolian Turkish texts, attention is also directed to this subject. In this paper similar and different aspects of the use of Eastern Turkish and Anatolian Turkish wi ll be studied in particular. The source of the use, which is coming from Eastern Turkish and appearing in Anatolian Turkish as well, will be discussed. Discussion of confusion in terms of dialect by examining this and similar examples in different ways will contribute to this subject. Comparison between historical dialects is a desideratum in the field of Turkology. Key words: language, Anatolian Turkish, bolay ki