The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a psychoeducation program of romantic relationship skills developed for young adults. The effectiveness of the psychoeducation program was tested using quantitative and qualitative methods. A pre-test post-test control group semi-experimental design was used in the study. Additionally, a focus group interview was conducted with the participants after the intervention to test the long-term effectiveness of the program. The study group consisted of 24 university students (12 in the experimental group and 12 in the control group) who were studying in a Mediterranean university and who had been in a romantic relationship for at least six months. In order to test the effectiveness of the psychoeducation program, the relationship satisfaction of the participants was examined and the relationship satisfaction subscale of the Relationship Stability Scale was used in the pre-test and post-test measurements. There was no significant difference between the total scores for relationship satisfaction levels obtained from the repeated measurements of the experimental and control groups. However, there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test relationship satisfaction levels. The interaction effects of being in different treatment groups and the repeated measurement factors on relationship satisfaction were significant. Accordingly, it was determined that the participants in the experimental group experienced a significant increase in relationship satisfaction levels compared to the participants who did not receive this training in the control group. According to the findings of the focus group interview, it was observed that the positive development of the participants' relationship satisfaction continued after the psychoeducation program. The participants stated that they saw a positive effect on their relationships thanks to the knowledge, skills and awareness they gained in areas such as communication, relationship beliefs, and expectations. The findings obtained in study showed that the psychoeducation program had achieved its aims.