Morphological and Pomological Characteristics of Fig Genotypes Selected from Mediterranean and South East Anatolia Regions

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3rd International Symposium on Fig, Algarve, Portugal, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.95-102 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.17660/actahortic.2008.798.11
  • City: Algarve
  • Country: Portugal
  • Page Numbers: pp.95-102
  • Keywords: Ficus carica, fruit quality, fruit characteristics, morphological characteristics
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


This study was carried out during 2002-2004 at the Cukurova University. Twenty two fig genotypes, selected from the Mediterranean and South East Anatolia regions were experimented. Morphological and pomological characteristics of genotypes were evaluated under same environmental conditions for the fresh fruit consumption. In the morphological characteristics, tree habitus, strength, branching, lateral shoot development, annual shoot length and thickness, tendency of branching, leaf shape, number of leaf per shoot, leaf length, leaf lobes, leaf stalk length and thickness of the genotypes were investigated for three years. In the pomological characteristics, fruit weight was changed between 22.03 g (01 (I) over dotN 67) and 60.59 g (63 (I) over dotN 11). The other values were: 32.97 mm (63 (I) over dotN 02) and 49.07 mm (63 (I) over dotN 09) of width; 31.07 mm (01 (I) over dotN 67) and 48.61 mm (63 (I) over dotN 14) of length; 18.7% (63 (I) over dotN 01) and 26.0% (63 (I) over dotN 16) of TSS ratio were determined. Also, neck and fruit skin color, width and peeling, fruit flesh thickness and color, TSS ratio (Brix %), pH and total acidity of the genotypes were investigated.