Milk composition characteristics of domestic yellow breed cows in the village herd

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Göncü S., Ergül Ş., Ergül A., Anitaş Ö., GÖKÇE G.

3rd International Conference on Research of Agricultural and Food Technologies, I-CRAFT 2023, Adana, Turkey, 4 - 06 October 2023, vol.85 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 85
  • Doi Number: 10.1051/bioconf/20248501014
  • City: Adana
  • Country: Turkey
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Turkiye is considered one of the most important gene centers in the world. Archaeological evidence and studies conducted to date show that cattle, sheep and goats were domesticated in Anatolia and its immediate surroundings. Since a detailed census based on the breeds and their characteristics of these species cannot be made today, no precise information can be obtained about the current status of the breeds. The skin color of the local yellow cows raised in the region was used, ranging from almost black brown and dirty yellow to red and cinnamon. It has been determined that they are small-bodied and have short horns. The rump is higher than the withers, and the back line is also seen to be straight. Horn color is dark black. The area around the eyes, sides of the face, neck, shoulder blades and shaped tip are darker. The tip of the nose is dark to black, and around the nose and mouth there is a slightly lighter-colored, sometimes off-white ring depending on the areas. The inner sides of the sections are light colored. Nail color is dark gray or black, close to black. The average dry matter of domestic yellow breed cattle was determined as 11.67, SNF 9.64, fat 2.15 and protein 3.53. However, it is understood that there is a significant deviation in the minimum and maximum values.