Investigating of the durability of some citrus rootstocks against citrus nematode in Eastern Mediterranean Region under natural conditions


31 st International Symposium of The European Society, Adana, Turkey, 23 - 27 September 2012, pp.115

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Adana
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.115
  • Çukurova University Affiliated: Yes


Citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb, is widespread in the Eastern Mediterranean Region where 70% of the total citrus fruit is produced in Turkey. One of the most effective and economical methods of controlling the citrus nematode is the use of resistant rootstocks. Due to the suitability to the soil conditions found in this region, sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) is commonly used. To determine the resistance of citrus rootstocks to T. semipenetrans under natural conditions, different rootstocks were investigated in two different citrus collection orchards that contain naturally high background level of citrus nematode.In order to determine the existence of the citrus nematode, root and soil samples were taken as three replicates from 34 selected sour orange clones (Tuzcu clones), Citrus obovoidea, C. ampullaceae, C. sulcata, C. taiwanica, C. volkameriana; Poncirus trifoliata, Troyer citrange, Carriza citrange, Kleopatra mandarin and Yuzu rootstocks from collection 1. InIn addition, root and soil samples were taken as three replicates from Nasnaran, Cleopatra Ant, Cloex swingle, Citru melo 4475, Carrizo, C-35, Gou tou, Trifoliate, Sunki, (Tuzcu Clones)Tuzcu 31-31, Tuzcu 891 in the collection 2.The collection 2 has a few stress factors such as Fe deficiency and drought. Citrus nematode in different densities was found in those samples taken from roots and rhizosphere of the different rootstocks in the collections 1 and 2.According to this study, citrus nematode was also found in the roots of Poncirus trifoliata, Carrizo citrange and Troyer citrange which are known as resistant or tolerant, from previous studies in icollection 1. On the other hand, samples that were collected incollection 2 were resistant. In order to reach more definitive conclusions on this subject, we will be evaluating seedlings from the seeds from all of these rootstocks, under controlled conditions.