UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

İlin G. (Yürütücü), İlin Ş. Ç., DOĞANÜLKÜ H. A.

Erasmus Projesi, 2020 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2023

Proje Özeti

Citizenship, facilitating them to better understand society and culture and supporting them to consciously claim their rights and be sure to fulfil their duties, within and beyond school;

-School communities (School as an Institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities);

-Teachers of teachers: by involving them, the project ensure that its effects start at the very early stage of school actors preparation, ensuring sustainability;

-Operators of other education domains (as VET and Higher Education) as they play a decisive role on careers’ training and guidance;

-Operators of the labour market (employers, employment agencies and career counsellors), as they need to provide their views, but also be ready to support demotivated youngsters, inclusively promoting their return to school in the all the applicable cases.

The methodology envisaged to target these groups and to achieve such objectives is to provide specific products, appellative in design, in content and in use, that they can reach as motivational devices in School and, at the same time, as educational resources of high added value from a crosssectoral perspective (enhancement of school subjects, regardless of the subject - maths, languages, geography, history, sports, etc and of human values promotion - gender equity, equal opportunities, fighting bullying, environmental protection, human rights, etc). Those products are: (i) an online platform as a ‘School & Job Community of Practice (CoP) and Active Repository of Teaching Tools’, (ii) a ‘School & Job Matching Handbook’, (iii) a compendium of pedagogic activities ‘Boost Up your Class – Citizenship & Job - Pills Activities’ and (iv) a package of online pedagogic activities ‘Boost Up your Class – Citizenship & Job - e-Pills Activities’.

UP2B is structured in 6 work-packages accounting for management, evaluation, dissemination, stakeholders’ involvement, incorporation by 3rd parties and horizontal domains. It will also multiply results through the realization of 7 multiplier events targeting hundreds of participants from 6 countries.

* https://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/european-policy-cooperation/education-jobs-andgrowth_en 

** https://ec.europa.eu/education/resources-and-tools/document-library/a-whole-school-approach-toreduce-early-school-leaving_en