Innovation for Transition on Mediterranean Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Livestock Production Systems Towards 2050

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Koluman N., Göncü Karakök S., Baylan M., Özcan B. D.

UFUK 2020 Projesi, 2019 - 2020

  • Proje Türü: UFUK 2020 Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2019
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2020

Proje Özeti

This scoping study will be carried out to identify entry points for building the resilience of livestock systems to climate change and variability in Mediterranean ecosystems. The objective of this study is to explore how strengthening the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral livestock systems to climate change, improve the climate resilience of small-holder farmers and pastoralists in different region of Mediterranean. Thus, an innovation for sustainable development for pastoralists and agropastoralists should be based on experimental physical and virtual spaces. MedPasto-2050 will carry out and integrate analyses of benefit-cost portfolios provided by animal production systems at multiple scales. The Project will form a consistent multi-level toolbox for assessing and acting at farm, regional, national and Mediterranean levels. Pastoral and agro-pastoral livestock production actors will be engaged in research and innovation WP all along the project to bridge the gap between basic science, applications, practices. During MedPasto-2050, studies on enhance adaptation capacity of livestock systems, increase value chain of animal products and decrease adverse effects of changing climate on livestock and grassland will be performed.

The project results contribute to PRIMA Operational Objective 4/SMART AND SUSTAINABLE FARMING, as follows;

·         Enhance sustainability of the small-scale farming systems and preservation of natural resources; the capacity of the staff of the living labs to provide assistance to the SMEs and to continue the project activities after the end of the project.

·         Enhance capacity of adaptation of pastoral livestock systems to climate change and methods to reduce the severity of climate change impacts on livestock systems.

The value chain of new products by developing new adapted processing methods of animal products and to understand societal interests towards animal farming and their place in future diets will be improved.