Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Unraveling the Dynamics of Normative Contestation over Global Gender Equality Norms: Anti-gender Actors and their Discursive Strategies

Workshop on Diffusion and Contestation of Norms in Global Governance, Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Turkey, 08 December 2023

Yayılımsız Norm Oluşumu –Türkiye’de Toplumsal Cinsiyet Karşıtlığının Yerel İcadı

II. ULUSAL SİYASET BİLİMİ KONGRESİ, Ankara, Turkey, 7 - 08 October 2023, pp.92-93

Mültecilerin Medya Temsilleri ve Duygu-Söylem İlişkisi: Aylan Kurdi Örneği

9. Yıldız Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 27 December 2022, pp.1-2

COVİD-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Sığınmacı İstihdamına Etkileri: Adana İli Örneği

VIII. Yıldız Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 23 - 24 December 2021, pp.1 Sustainable Development

İnşacılık, Normlar ve Uluslararası İlişkiler

Vıı. Yıldız Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 17 - 18 December 2020, pp.60

Transnational Social Movements and International Relations Theory

VI.YILDIZ SOSYAL BİLİMLER KONGRESİ, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 13 December 2019, pp.388

Engendering the Legislative Agenda in a Gendered Institution?: Female Members of Parliament in Turkey

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GENDER STUDIES: GENDER, SPACE, PLACE CULTURE, Gazimagusa, Cyprus (Kktc), 10 - 12 October 2019, pp.49

Türkiye'de Kadınların Siyasi Temsili: Engeller, Mücadeleler ve Kazanımlar

2. Çukurova Kadın Sorunları Kongresi, Adana, Turkey, 28 November - 30 December 2018, pp.1-10 Sustainable Development

The Responsibility to Protect in Libya and Syria: A Comparative Analysis of Discursive Practices around Military Intervention

EISA 12th PAN EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Prag, Czech Republic, 12 - 15 September 2018

The Responsibility to Protect in Libya and Syria: A Comparative Analysis of Discursive Practices around Military Interventions

12th Pan European Conference on International Relations, Praha, Czech Republic, 12 - 15 September 2018

Intersecting Identities and Women’s Substantive Representation in Turkey

114th APSA (AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION) ANNUAL MEETING, Boston, United States Of America, 30 August - 02 September 2018

Translations of Gender Equality Norms in Turkey

CPSA (CANADIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION) ANNUAL CONFERENCE (2017), Toronto, Canada, 27 May - 02 June 2017 Sustainable Development

Elite and Media Framing of the Gezi Park Movement in Turkey


Global Gender Equality Norms, Local Interpretations: the Case of Turkey

ISA (INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCATION) 58TH ANNUAL CONVENTION, BALTIMORE, United States Of America, 22 - 25 February 2017 Sustainable Development

Mass Media Coverage of the Gezi Park Movement in Turkey: A Discourse Analysis of Framing Practices


Political Representation of Women in Turkey

Symposium on “Parity as Practice: the Politics of Equality” by Yale Women Faculty Forum and Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights at the Yale Law School, Yale University, Connecticut, United States Of America, 30 March - 01 April 2012 Sustainable Development

Türkiye'de Uluslararası İlişkiler Lisans Ders Müfredatı Üzerine bir Değerlendirme

Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 19 - 22 May 2011, pp.0-15

Social Movements, Democracy and Feminisms in Turkey

American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, United States Of America, 2 - 05 September 2004, pp.1-30

Feminism and Citizenship in Turkey

CANADIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION (CPSA) ANNUAL CONFERENCE (2002), Toronto, Canada, 29 - 31 May 2002 Sustainable Development

Troubled Sisterhood

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 35th Annual Meeting, San-Francisco, Costa Rica, 17 December - 20 November 2001

Reflections on the Women's Movement in Turkey

Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA/SQSP Joint Conference), Quebec City, Canada, 29 July - 01 August 2000, pp.1-25

(En)gendering Democracyin Turkey

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 33rd Annual Meeting, Washington, Kiribati, 19 - 22 November 1999

Gender and Social Movements: A Global Approach to Women's Mobilization in Turkey and Chile

International Studies Association (ISA), Washington, Dc, United States Of America, 16 - 20 February 1999, pp.1-30

Kemalist Nationalist Project and New Social Movements in post-1983 Turkey

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 32nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States Of America, 3 - 06 December 1998

Books & Book Chapters

Feminist Güvenlik Çalışmaları Perspektifinden Kadın, Barış ve Güvenlik Gündemi ve NATO

in: Güvenliği Yeniden Okumak, Harun Arıkan,Ali Gök, Editor, Yetkin Ya, Ankara, pp.195-218, 2024 Sustainable Development

Gendered Insecurities and Feminist Resistance in Turkey

in: Neoliberalism and Global Insecurities: Thinking Resilience/Resistance in Turkey, Rasim Özgür Dönmez, Editor, Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA , Maryland, pp.123-150, 2023

Transformation of Turkey’s Environmental Policy: A Case of Selective Europeanization?

in: Turkey’s Challenges and Transformation, Harun Arıkan,Zeynep Alemdar, Editor, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, London, pp.165-184, 2023

Türkiye'de Kadınların Siyasi Temsili: 24. Dönem Kadın Milletvekilleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

in: Türkiye Siyasetinin Sınırları- Siyasal Davranış, Kuramlar ve Kültür: Ersin Kalaycıoğlu'na Armağan, Ali Çarkoğlu,Emre Erdoğan,Mert Moral, Editor, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.379-394, 2023

From “Gender Equality” to “Gender Justice”: De-Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies in Turkey

in: EU/Turkey Relations in the Shadows of Crisis: A Break-Up or Revival?, A. Aslı Bilgin, Editor, Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA , Maryland, pp.133-153, 2021

Searching for a Positive Intercultural Transition between Syrian Refugees and Turkish Society

in: Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogues for Global Peacebuilding and Stability, Peleg, S., Editor, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp.198-229, 2019

Turkey: From Symbols to Actors in the Struggle for Political Rights

in: Palgrave Handbook of Women's Political Rights, S. Franceschet,M.L.Krook,N.Tan, Editor, Palgrave Macmillan, London , London, pp.227-241, 2019

Movements, States and Empowerment: women's mobilization in Chile and Turkey

in: Rethinking Empowerment: Gender and development in a global/local world, Parpart,Jane; Rai,Shirin; Staudt,Kathleen, Editor, Routledge, London/New York , London, pp.112-132, 2002

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