Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Cukurova University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği, Turkey
Approval Date: 2003
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Turgut Cabaroğlu
This study was carried out to investigate the suitibility of black Syrah and Carignane grape varieties grown in Pozantı region for production of quality red wine. The grapes that were harvested on optimum maturity were transported to Pilot winery and then were crashed. After that, yeast was added (200 mg/1) and macereted at 25 °C for 5 days. After maceration, the musts were pressed and left for alcoholic fermentation. After alcoholic fermentation was completed, wines were racked and maturated in cellar at 15 °C. Quality of the obtained wines were determined by both chemical and sensorial analysis. The following results can be drawn from this study - Syrah grape was found to be better then "Carignane" grape for production of red wine, - The chemical compositions of the wines were found to be in accordance with wine regulations. However, Syrah wine were found to be richer in phenolic compounds, anthociyanin and tanin than Carignane wine, - "Syrah" wine was found to be more balanced, high-bodied and aromatic than "Carignane wine" according to the sensory evaluation. Moreover, Syrah had the typical sensory properties of Syrah wine. Consequently, in terms of quality red wine production it can be stated that Syrah variety adapted well to Pozantı region and its cultivation in Pozantı should be encouraged